Policy Advocacy 

Policy advocacy refers to advocacy tactics, strategies, and initiatives that target changes to policies and legislation with regard to Cyber issues. These advocacy initiatives seek to establish new policies, improve existing policies, or challenge the development of policies that diminish resources and opportunities for vulnerable groups of people such as children and youth. 

Policy advocacy what we do seeks to engage various sectors of the government which includes: public servants, bureaucrats, political appointees, elected officials, and legislators. Our all policy advocacy is generated by case and 's' systems advocacy.

What DO we do?

1. Policy monitoring and public accountability

2. Policy Dialogue

3. Campaigns for policy change

4. Building the advocacy capacity of stakeholder groups

5. Pathfinder and demonstrator projects

6. Providing independent suggestions and advice on The IT Act,2000, DPDP Act, Digital India Act, and other regulations by Regulators

Some of the policies we are Advocating are: