Difference Between Cyber Extortion And Cyberbullying 

Bullying someone for fun or harassing someone for personal benefits, both are heinous offences, now imagine it happening globally through the internet; sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? It is terrifying indeed, especially when we are unaware of the strength, potential and motive of the hacker.

When we talk about cyber extortion and cyberbullying, there is a major difference between both. Cyber extortion always has a motive, the motive is to gain something out of it. The gain through extortion may be monetary or some sort of huge favour and is carried out quite professionally in a pre-planned manner to leave no clue behind. While cyberbullying is much simpler and there is not always a motive behind it. If you try to troll a person online for no reason, even that little act is cyberbullying. Generally, cyberbullying has no hidden agenda to be carried out through proper planning.

To know more in detail about both cyber extortion and cyberbullying, let’s delve deeper into this blog.


This image shows how the Data is Breaching.

It is important to know about data breaches before cyber extortion because data breaches can be the very first step to cyber extortion.

Data Breach is an event where data is stolen from a framework without the information or approval of the framework's proprietor. A little organization or enormous association might experience an information break. Taken information might include touchy, exclusive, or private data, for example, MasterCard numbers, client information, proprietary innovations, or matters of public safety.

The impacts caused by a data breach can come as harm to the target organization's goodwill because of an apparent 'deception of trust.'

In light of the quantity of information break occurrences recorded between January 2005 and April 2015, recognizable data (PII) was the most taken record type while monetary information came in second.


Cyber Extortion | Secninjaz

The uproar created by a cyberattack on the colonial pipeline near the U.S. east coast left the whole east coast without any fuel for a good while, in June 2021. It was categorized as terrorism by the US government.

Cyber extortion had been recognized and tabled as a term around 2013. In the beginning, it was considered a small scale threat, but in due course of time, it became more sophisticated and large scale.

Cyber Extortion is a canopy under which a wide array of cybercrimes falls. When cybercriminals blackmail their victims to get some kind of favour out of them as a ransom (usually monetary favours). Ransomware and DDOS are the most common cyber extortion attacks that happen.


What is Cyber Bullying | Secninjaz

Cyberbullying or Cyber harassment is bullying with the utilization of advanced innovations. It can happen via online entertainment, informing stages, gaming stages and cell phones. It is rehashed conduct, pointed toward terrifying, rankling or it is focused on disgrace the people who.


Up close and personal bullying and cyberbullying can frequently occur close to one another. In any case, cyberbullying leaves a digital impression, a record that can prove to be valuable and give proof to assist with halting the maltreatment.

Both cyber extortion and cyberbullying have severe punishments based on the consequences of the crime that victim/s have to suffer. It is better to stay protected and not encourage or participate in such crimes.