Client Win64

Warning ,

The application does not use AES encryption for passwords and does not use an additional secure connection .

Users should not use a password used on another service.

How to use Client

The client allows you to connect to the server your tribe and create an account, but you can also use it locally, the server version may not work in client mode (I could not test).

Connect To server

To connect to the server of your tribe, you must have the IP address of it, then once connected you must create an account with the invitation code that the admin has sent you.

Once the account created, connect you have your password, then you can access the data and you can add more.

World Map

The world map is empty when the server has just been created, you can add the servers on the map using the right click on the clusters, once added you will have access to the map view of the server using a double click.

Several options for the server are possible, you can add the server claim with the hour, and you can assign the server to a team.

To do this the team must be added to the server data, to do this see the next section.

Team and coalition

You can add teams in the team menu, but you can also add and assign a coalition.

Coalitions are displayed as a colored circle on the world map, and if the server is a claim, it displays the color on the map.

All this allows you to visually see the progress of the tribes and coalitions on the world map.

Map View

The map view allows you to do several things;

Quality Loot
