
Members of the research team have participated to several meetings and conference to present the results of their projects.

  • 17th French Actuaries Congress. Évaluer le cyber-risque : un enjeu majeur pour la création de valeur, 15th June 2018, Paris.

  • 12th Financial Risks International Forum. Cyber-insurance: an actuarial approach. 18-19 March 2019, Paris.

  • Workshop Cyber Insurance and its Contribution to Cyber Risk Mitigation, participation to the working groups, 25-29 March 2019, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.

  • Mathematicals Methods in Reliability. Analysis of cyber incidents with Generalized Pareto Regression Trees. June 2019, Hong Kong.

  • 51èmes Journées de Statistique (SFdS). Cyber-claim analysis through Generalized Pareto Regression Trees with applications to insurance pricing and reserving, 3-7 June 2019, Nancy.

  • Meetup Insurtech-Assurtech "Cyber-risques", June 24th 2019, Paris.

  • Cyber-préjudice 2019 : l'impact réel des attaques informatiques contre les entreprises (co-organisation), June 25th 2019, Paris.

  • 11th Conference in Extreme Value Theory, 1-5 July 2019, Zagreb.

  • Conference Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Cyber-claim analysis through Generalized Pareto Regression Trees with applications to insurance pricing and reserving, July 2019, Munich.

  • International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Cyber-claim analysis: estimating frequency and severity. Applications to insurance pricing and reserving. 17th July 2019, Valence.

  • Insurance Data Science conference, Predicting Cyber-Attacks using the 'Hawkes' R package, July 2019, Zürich.

  • ASTIN Symposium, Predicting Cyber-Attacks using Hawkes processes, Warsaw, 25 October 2019.

  • Les défis cyber, Third edition, Table ronde "Cyber-insurance", 14th November 2019.

  • Table ronde Cyber-Assurance, GT Cyber-Risque Institut des Actuaires, 14th November 2019.

  • Chaire Data Analytics and Models for Insurance, Analyse de sinistres en assurance cyber-criminalité à l'aide d'arbres de régression basés sur les distributions Pareto généralisées, 19th November 2019.

  • 100% Data Science, 29th November 2019.

  • Webinar "Modélisation du risque cyber", Institut du Risk Management, 19th December 2019 and 21th January 2020.

  • CFE-ERCIM, London, December 2019

  • Seminar P&C Allianz, 25 february 2020.

  • Round table : "Cyber-attaque - anticipation, gestion de crise et leçons" organized by Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires.

  • International Congress AAI, May 2020, Paris. Four papers based on the results of the IdR have been accepted and presented.

  • Webinar d'AXA XL "Un virus peut en cacher un autre : la cyber criminalité boostée ar le Covid-19", 12 June 2020

  • GT Covid-19, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, ”D’un virus à l’autre : la modélisation de l’impact d’un cyber-ouragan pour la cyber-assurance”, 22 June 2020.

  • Webinar of Institut des Actuaires organized by the working groups "Big data" and "Cyber Risk" "Pandémie cyber : modélisation de l'accumulation de sinistres sur un portefeuille d'assurance" 7 July 2020

  • Groupe de Travail du LPSM : Finance mathématique, probabilités numériques et statistique des processus, 15th October 2020.

  • Round table : ”Cyber-attaque : anticipation, gestion de crise et leçons” organized by Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires, 2020.

  • Assises de la Recherche Stratégique 2020: ”La nécessaire modélisation des risques”

  • Colloque SCOR 2020 : ”Construire des scénarios : retours d’expérience sur le risque Pandémie et sur le risque Cyber.”

  • Conference ”Processus de Hawkes en Assurance et Finance” Le Mans Université, December 15, 2020

  • Webinar, AXA Groupe, 21 January 2021.

  • Webinar Maths-Innovation of SUMMIT (Sorbonne Université), January 2021.

  • 14th Financial Risks International Forum, March 2021.

  • Webinar ”Zoom sur le risque cyber” of Institut des actuaires, 9 March 2021

  • Seminar CIGREF on Cyber insurance, March 2021.

  • Probability Seminar of LaMME, Evry University, March 2021

  • ASTIN 2021 Online Colloquium, May 2021. (4 talks)

  • Round Table on cyber risk at ”Cap Actuariat” June 2021.

  • European Actuarial Days, June 2021

  • 24th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, July 2021. (3 talks)

  • European Securities and Market Authority Seminar, ”Propagation of cyber incidents in an insurance portfolio”, July 2021.

  • Actuarial Science Seminar, Banque Nationale de Belgique, ”Accumulation scenarios for cyber-insurance”, Septembre 2021.

  • OWARS One World Actuarial Research Seminar, September 15, 2021.

  • Probability Seminar of Institut Mathématiques de Toulouse, September 2021,

  • CIMPA School, 2021

  • 20th French Actuaries Congress, 9 November 2021

  • Closing conference of Panorisk, November 2021

  • Colloque "Risques et Incertitude" de l'IUF, November 2021

  • FAiR Webinar on Cyber Risk, Cyber Insurance and Financial Stability, December 2021

  • ACPR Chair Conference on Post-Covid Finance: "New Risks, New Opportunities", December 2021

  • Berkeley Seminar, February 2022

  • Webinar Chaire PARI, February 2022

  • Waterloo, Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics Seminar, March 2022.

  • Meeting "Trustworthy Data Science and Security", TU Dortmund and Sorbonne U., 2022.

  • Conference "Stochastic Control and Analysis and Applications", Hammamet, March 2022

  • Round Table on cyber risk at "Journées IARD" March 2022

  • Conference "New trends on Hawkes Processes", Toulouse, June 2022

  • European Congress of Actuaries, Madrid, June 2022

  • Conference "Insurance Data science", Milan, June 2022

  • Conference "Le printemps de l'Assurance", Université Paris Dauphine, June 2022

  • Round Table organized by "Le Centre des professions financières", June 2022.

  • Seminar of ACPR Research Initiative "Regulation and Systemic Risks", September 2022

  • Conference "Machine Learning in Insurance Sector Targeted to Risk Analysis and Losses", CIRM, September 2022.

  • Roundtable at Mind Fintech Club "Cyber-Assurance : le marché va t'il dans le mur?" November 2022