Plasmonic Energy
Nanomaterials Laboratory
(PEN Lab)

Our research focuses on utilizing plasmonic nanomaterials for solve energy-related real-world problems.

                                                                                (Nanosized metals)

*NOTICE: 논문을 자신의 포트폴리오에넣는 데에 관심이 있는 학생이라면
다음 프로그램에 대해  문의 하시면 됩니다!

(Program 1) 연구 논문 (>1yr)

(Program 2) 리뷰페이퍼 (>2 month)

(Program 3) 하고 싶은 실험 문의 

Current objective applications :

(1) Electrochromics: Smart Windows (or Smart Pixels) 
: Device used to indoor (building) and outdoor (automobile) aplications to save lighting & heating energy. 

(Note: PI is the only expert in Korea for the Metal-Electrodeposition based smart-window technology.)

(2) Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversions / (3) Sensors. and etc.

But, not restricted to them. (

Research Concept :
(semiconducting optical materials + plasmonic nanomaterials) + (electrochemically-induced active control)

<See more details in Research>:  

*Benefits (in Academia & Industry)

(1) Prominent energy device applications

(2) Learn about how to do research and write an article

(3) Broad relation to academia: Electrochemistry, Optics, Plasmonics, Semiconductor Materials

(4) Optical simulation technique for nanostructure.

(5) I will be your strong supporter & reference for your goals.

Plasmonic Energy Nanomaterials Laboratory

Department of Display Materials Engineering, Soonchunhyang University

22 Soonchunhyang-ro, Sinchang-myeon, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 31538, Republic of Korea