Business Support: Working with Freelancers

Supporting business to work with freelancers via the production of toolkits and resources.

Having something to add? Get in touch.

Let's Talk About:"Freelancers". A Toolkit for Employers

"We wanted to bring employers a toolkit allabout "Freelancers", providing useful, valuable information with the aim of providing you with a lightbulb moment at the end!  There will be things contained within this toolkit that you may not have even thought about or realised. We want to be able to educate you and provide you with the opportunity to think differently whilst considering all things that would apply when it comes to working with Freelancers. So, grab a coffee and take some time to read and reflect!" 

Working with the Self-Employed A Best Practice Guide for Businesses 

This Best Practice Guide has been created by Creative & Cultural Skills as part of the Creative Careers Programme (CCP). It responds directly to feedback from the creative industries about the lack of clear information on working with the self-employed, despite the fact they represent 35% of the creative industries workforce. 

How to Hire Freelancers on Upwork: The Ultimate Guide

A guide on how to confidently hire the right freelancers for any project. 

The Best Websites for Hiring Freelancers

Top tips and links to useful websites.