
Coventry & Warwickshire Creative Freelancers (CWCF) is a pilot project that aims to support the area’s freelance community following the devastating impact of the pandemic on this hugely important and valuable part of our creative ecosystem. 

For 12 months (January 2022 - January 2023), CWCF will focus activity on four themes:

1. Networks
Connecting local freelancers and freelancer communities.

2. Promotion
Developing and delivering campaigns to showcase and highlight some of the area’s creative freelance talent.

3. Business Support

4. Lobbying
Promoting the importance and value of the freelance community within the creative sector and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was CWCF established?
Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s (CWLEP) Digital Creative Business Group identified ‘freelancer support’ as a priority area for its programme of work, which aims to support recovery and growth of the creative sector following Covid-19. Around the same time Warwick District Creative Compact (WDCC), which was established to deliver Warwick District’s Creative Framework; a five year strategy to stimulate growth of the area’s creative sector, recognised the importance of creative freelancers and identified it as an area of support for the Compact’s first year of activity. As a shared priority, CWLEP and WDCC agreed to work in partnership, to make best use of limited resources and to ensure maximum profile and reach during the pilot phase.

Who designed and developed CWCF?
Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Digital Creative Business Group and Warwick District Creative Compact (WDCC) designed, developed and are delivering CWCF.

How is CWCF funded?

Warwick District Creative Compact and Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise partnership, with the support of Sarah Brewster (Fresh Seed) and Amy Dalton (Freelance Producer and Project Manager), are providing time and resource to the pilot phase of CWCF. The aim of the pilot phase is to evidence demand for creative freelancer support and ultimately raise funds so that the initiative can continue beyond January 2023.