Joint International 1st Ego4D and 10th EPIC Workshop

19-20 June 2022 (2-Days Workshop) - held alongside CVPR 2022

Day 1 (19 June 2022)

Program (all times CDT)

08:30 - Ego4D Overview

08:55 - Introducing Ego4D Participants

09:10 - Ego4D collection and IRB Panel

09:40 - Ego4d Challenges Overview

10:00 - Morning Coffee Break

10:30 - Invited Keynote - Jitendra Malik

11:00 - Privacy & Ethics Panel

11:20 - Ego4D Benchmarks Winners Talks 1

12:00 - Exploring Ego4D Videos - Ego4D Jeopardy

12:15 - Lunch Break

13:10 - Invited Keynote - Serge Belongie

13:40 - Ego4D Benchmarks - Winners Talks 2

14:40 - Invited Keynote - Richard Newcombe

14:55 - Afternoon Coffee Break

15:15 - Ego4D Tutorial

16:45 - Introducing ECCV2022 Ego4D Benchmarks

17:00 - Concluding Remarks

Day 2 (20 June 2022)

Program (all times CDT)

08:30 - Opening Remarks

08:40 - EPIC-Kitchens Challenges

10:00 - Morning Coffee Break

10:30 - Invited Keynote - Vittorio Ferrari

11:15 - Accepted Papers and Extended Abstracts

12:30 - Lunch break

13:30 - New dataset & Benchmarks

14:00 - Invited Keynote Gedas Bertasius

14:45 - Afternoon Coffee Break

15:15 - Invited Talks and Extended Abstracts

16:40 - Closing Remarks

Joint Workshop Organisers

University of Bristol

Dima Damen

Michael Wray

Walterio Mayol-Cuevas

Facebook AI Research

Kristen Grauman

Rohit Gridhar

Andrew Westbury

Jitendra Malik

University of Catania

Giovanni Maria Farinella

Antonino Furnari

Georgia Institute of Technology

James Rehg

University of Minnesota

Hyun Soo Park

National University of Singapore

Mike Zheng Shou

Indiana University

David Crandall