Christian Voigt
Welcome to my homepage - I am a mathematician working in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow. My research area is noncommutative geometry, a modern part of mathematics with links to classical disciplines like topology, differential geometry, and mathematical physics. I am particularly interested in operator algebras, quantum groups, and cyclic homology. On this website you can find information on my research and teaching, including papers and preprints, and other materials. My official University webpage is available here.
On the Glasgow Analysis Group home page you can find information about our research group at Glasgow.
I am always interested to speak to potential PhD students. If you would like to do a PhD in one of the areas related to my research do not hesitate to get in touch. Our School offers a number of funded PhD places every year. For practical information on how to apply please take a look here.
I am an editor of the Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures (Springer) and the Annals of Functional Analysis (Springer). To submit a paper please follow the instructions on the journal websites.