

  • Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather
J Park, K Kim, H ShimEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milano, Italy, 2024
  • SeiT++: Masked Token Modeling Improves Storage-efficient Training  
M Lee*, S Park*, B Heo, D Han, H Shim  (* indicates an equal contribution)European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milano, Italy, 2024
  • Memory-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Quantized Diffusion Model 
H Ryu, S Lim, H ShimEuropean Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milano, Italy, 2024
  • Learning from Spatio-temporal Correlation for Semi-Supervised LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
S Lee, H Lee, H ShimIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024
  • Locally Conditioned GANs: Self-supervised Local Patch Representation Learning for Conditional Generation
    D Kim, H Shim
    IEEE Access, 2024
  • Preventing Image Hallucination in Text-to-Image Generation through Factual Image Retrieval 
Y Lim, H ShimInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop on Trustworthy Interactive Decision-Making with Foundation Models (IJCAI TIDMwFM), 2024.
  • Adapting Low-Dose CT Denoisers for Texture Preservation using Zero-Shot Local Noise-level Matching
 Y Ko*, S Song*, J Baek, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)Medical Physics (MP), 2024
  • Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Driving Scenes
D Kim*, S Lee*, J Choe, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024
  • Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Are Efficient Segmentation Learners for Imperfect Labels
S Lee*, S Kang*, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshops on The 3rd Edge Intelligence Workshop on Large Language and Vision Models (AAAIW), 2024
  • Precision matters: Precision-aware ensemble for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
J Park, H ShimThe 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshops on The 3rd Edge Intelligence Workshop on Large Language and Vision Models (AAAIW), 2024
  • Local Expert Diffusion Models for Efficient Training in Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
S Kang*, Y Jung*, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshops on Sustainable AI (AAAIW), 2024


  • Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly and Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation 
M Lee*, S Lee*, J Lee, H Shim
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2023. 
  • Entropy Regularization for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
D Hwang, J-W. Ha, H Shim, J Choe, Pattern Recognition Letters (2023)
  • Your Lottery Ticket is Damaged: Towards All-Alive Pruning for Extremely Sparse Networks
D Kim, M Kim, H Shim, J Lee, Information Sciences (IS), 2023.
  • Utilization of an Attentive Map to Preserve Anatomical Features for Training Convolutional Neural Network based Low-dose CT Denoiser.
    M Han, H Shim, J Baek, Medical Physics (MP), 2023 
  • CoMix: Collaborative Filtering with Mixup for Implicit Datasets
    J Moon, Y Jeong, D-K Chae, J Choi, H Shim, J Lee, Information Sciences (IS), 2023. 
  • Few-shoot Font Generation with Weakly Supervised Localized Representations 
S Park*, S Chun*, S Lee, J Cha, B Lee, H Shim
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2023. 
  • F2RPC: Fake to Real Portrait Control from a Virtual Character 
S Kang, M Kim, H Shim
IEEE Access, 2023.  
  • HybridMatch: Semi-supervised Facial Landmark Detection via Hybrid Heatmap Representations
    S Kang*, M Lee*, M Kim, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)  
    IEEE Access, 2023.  


  • Long-tail Mixup for Extreme Multi-label Classification 
S Han, E Choi, C Lim, J Lee, H Shim, J Lee
ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2022.
  • A streak artifact reduction algorithm in sparse-view CT using a self-supervised neural representation 
B Kim, H Shim, J Baek
Medical Physics (MP), 2022. (Editor's Choice)         
  • Perceptual CT Loss: Implementing CT Image Specific Perceptual Loss for CNN-Based Low-Dose CT Denoiser
    M Han, H Shim, J Baek
    IEEE Access, 2022. (Accepted)  
  • Evaluation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization: Protocol, Metrics, and Datasets
    J Choe*, S-J Oh*, S Chun, S Lee, Z Akata,, H Shim
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2022. (Accepted)
  • Knowledge distillation meets recommendation: collaborative distillation for top-N recommendation
    J-W Lee, M Choi, S Lee, H Shim, J Lee
    Knowledge and Information Systems (KIS), 2022
  • Logit Mixing Training for More Reliable and Accurate Prediction
D Bang*, K Baek*, J Kim, Y Jeon, JH Kim, J Kim, J Lee, H Shim
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022
  • Commonality in Natural Images Rescues GANs: Pretraining GANs with Generic and Privacy-free Synthetic Data
K Baek, H Shim
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022
  • Threshold Matters in WSSS: Manipulating the Activation for the Robust and Accurate Segmentation Model Against Thresholds
M Lee*, D Kim*, H shim (* indicates an equal contribution)
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022
  • Learning from Better Supervision: Self-distillation for Learning with Noisy Labels
K Baek*, S Lee*, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022
  • Two-phase Learning-based 3D Deblurring Method for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Images
    Y Choi, M Han, H Jang, H Shim, J Baek
    Plos One, 2022. (Accepted) 
  • S-Walk: Accurate and Scalable Session-based Recommendation with Random Walks
M Choi, J Kim, J Lee, H Shim, J LeeThe 15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2022


  • Knowledge Distillation Meets Recommendation: Collaborative Distillation for Top-N Recommendation 
J Lee, M Choi, H Shim, J Lee
Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), 2021.
  • Distilling from Professors: Enhancing the Knowledge Distillation of Teachers 
D Bang, J Lee and H Shim
Information Sciences (IS), 2021.
  • Low Dose CT Denoising via Convolutional Neural Network with an Observer Loss Function
M Han , H Shim, J Baek
Medical Physics (MP), 2021.
  • Rethinking the Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
K Baek, Y Choi, Y Uh, J Yoo, H Shim
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
  • Multiple Heads are Better than One: Few-shot Font Generation with Multiple Localized Experts
S Park, S Chun, J Cha, B Lee, H Shim
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.
B Kim, H Shim, J Baek Medical Image Analysis (MEDIA), 2021. 
J Choe, D Han, S Yun, J Ha, S Oh, H Shim Pattern recognition (PR), 2021.
S Lee*, M Lee*, J Lee, H Shim.  (* indicates an equal contribution)IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
M Choi, J Kim, J Lee, H Shim and J LeeThe Web Conference (WWW), 2021.
S Park*, S Chun*, J Cha, B Lee, H ShimAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021.


Y Ko, S Moon, J Baek, H ShimMedical Image Analysis (MEDIA), 2020. (AcceptedK Baek*, D Bang*, H Shim. (* indicates an equal contribution) Pattern Recognition (PR), 2020. (Accepted)  
J Choe*, S Lee*, H Shim. (* indicates an equal contribution)IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2020. (Accepted)
J Choe*, S J Oh*, S Lee, S Chun, Z Akata, H Shim. (* indicates an equal contribution)IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
D Bang*, S Kang*, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution) International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2020.K Baek*, MH Lee*, H Shim (* indicates an equal contribution)Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2020.
Hyeseon Ko, Junhyuk Lee, Jinhong Kim, Jongwuk Lee, Hyunjung Shim35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2020.
G Kim, M Han, H Shim, J BaekMedical Physics (MP), 2020.


  • Collaborative Distillation for Top-N Recommendation
J Lee, M Choi, J Lee, and H ShimIEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Oral presentation, 2019
  • CutMix: Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers with Localizable Features
S Yun, D Han, S J Oh, S Chun, J Choe, Y Yoo.International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oral presentation, 2019
  • A performance comparison of convolutional neural network‐based image denoising methods: 
The effect of loss functions on low‐dose CT imagesB Kim, M Han, H Shim, J BaekMedical Physics (MP), 2019
  • Attention-based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
J Choe, H ShimIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Oral presentation, 2019
  • An Empirical Evaluation on Robustness and Uncertainty of Regularization Methods
S Chun, S J Oh, S Yun, D Han, J Choe, Y Yoo.International Conference on Machine Learning Workshop (ICMLW), 2019
J Park, S Park, H ShimImage and Vision Computing, 2019 
  • Dual Neural Personalized Ranking
S Kim, J Lee, H ShimThe Web Conference 2019 (WWW), Oral presentation, 2019