Computer Vision Lab

Welcome to the SeoulTech Computer Vision Lab

Recently, our mainly interests includes:



[Jun] Yeji started her reasearch internship at NAVER. Good luck to Yeji.

[Jun] Our team won second place in the 2024 Waymo Open Dataset Challenge at the CVPR 2024 Autonomous Driving Workshop. Congratulate Daeil and Gaeun.

[May] Our paper titled has been accepted for publication in IEEE Acess. Congratulate Yeji.

[Apr] An NRF grant was received for the project: "자율주행을 위한 비전중심의 인지/예측 시스템 개발". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (우수신진연구 2024.04 ~ 2027.03).

[Mar] Juhyun joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Juhyun.

[Mar] Mingyoo started his MS program !

[Jan] Our paper titled has been accepted for publication in CAAI Trans. Intell. Technol (TIT).


[Nov] Our team wins the Samsung AI Challenge 2023 on the topic of image quality assessment and captioning. Congratulate Yeji, Mingyu, and Jeongyeon :)

[Sep] Daeil joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Daeil.

[Jul] One paper is accepted on image enhancement in ICCV 2023, one of the major conferences in computer vision.

[Jun.] An NRF grant was received for the project: "스스로 성장하기 위한 멀티학습 기반 메타인지 기술 개발". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (기초연구실 2023.06 ~ 2026.02).

[Mar] Yeji started her MS program !

[Feb] One paper is accepted on 3D car pose and shape estimation in CVPR 2023, one of the major conferences in computer vision.

[Jan] Gaeun and Yeounwoo joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Gaeun and Yeounwoo.


[Nov] Subin and Jeongyeon joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Subin and Jeongyeon.

[Sep] An NRF grant was received for the project: "A Study on Real-Time Low-Light Image Enhancement Based on Global Transformation Function". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. (생애첫연구, 2022.09 ~ 2023.08)

[Apr] Yeji and Mingyoo joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Yeji and Mingyoo.


[Jul] Two papers are accepted on action recognition and image processing in ICCV 2021, one of the major conferences in computer vision.

[Jul] Hanul started his new job as an assistant professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology.