Computer Vision Lab
Welcome to the SeoulTech Computer Vision Lab
Recently, our mainly interests includes:
Autonomous Driving
Vision & Language
Generative model
Low-level vision
[Jun] Yeji started her reasearch internship at NAVER. Good luck to Yeji.
[Jun] Our team won second place in the 2024 Waymo Open Dataset Challenge at the CVPR 2024 Autonomous Driving Workshop. Congratulate Daeil and Gaeun.
[May] Our paper titled has been accepted for publication in IEEE Acess. Congratulate Yeji.
Yeji Jeon, and Hanul Kim, "Efficient Image Enhancement via Representative Color Transform," IEEE Access, Vol. 12, May., 2024.
[Apr] An NRF grant was received for the project: "자율주행을 위한 비전중심의 인지/예측 시스템 개발". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (우수신진연구 2024.04 ~ 2027.03).
[Mar] Juhyun joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Juhyun.
[Mar] Mingyoo started his MS program !
[Jan] Our paper titled has been accepted for publication in CAAI Trans. Intell. Technol (TIT).
Hanul Kim, Yeji Jeon, and Yeong Jun Koh, "Image Enhancement with Intensity Transformation on Embedding Space," CAAI Trans. Intell. Technol (TIT), Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan., 2024.
[Nov] Our team wins the Samsung AI Challenge 2023 on the topic of image quality assessment and captioning. Congratulate Yeji, Mingyu, and Jeongyeon :)
[Sep] Daeil joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Daeil.
[Jul] One paper is accepted on image enhancement in ICCV 2023, one of the major conferences in computer vision.
Jong-Hyeon Baek, Daehyun Kim, Su-Min Choi, Hyo-Jun Lee, Hanul Kim, Yeong Jun Koh, "Luminance-aware Color Transform for Multiple Exposure Correction," Proc. IEEE/CVF ICCV, 2023
[Jun.] An NRF grant was received for the project: "스스로 성장하기 위한 멀티학습 기반 메타인지 기술 개발". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (기초연구실 2023.06 ~ 2026.02).
[Mar] Yeji started her MS program !
[Feb] One paper is accepted on 3D car pose and shape estimation in CVPR 2023, one of the major conferences in computer vision.
Hyo-Jun Lee, Hanul Kim, Su-Min Choi, Seong-Gyun Jeong, Yeong Jun Koh, "BAAM: Monocular 3D pose and shape reconstruction with bi-contextual attention module and attention-guided modeling," Proc. IEEE/CVF CVPR, 2023
[Jan] Gaeun and Yeounwoo joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Gaeun and Yeounwoo.
[Nov] Subin and Jeongyeon joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Subin and Jeongyeon.
[Sep] An NRF grant was received for the project: "A Study on Real-Time Low-Light Image Enhancement Based on Global Transformation Function". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. (생애첫연구, 2022.09 ~ 2023.08)
[Apr] Yeji and Mingyoo joined the research group as an undergraduate intern, Welcome Yeji and Mingyoo.
[Jul] Two papers are accepted on action recognition and image processing in ICCV 2021, one of the major conferences in computer vision.
Hanul Kim, Mihir Jain, Jun-Tae Lee, Sungrack Yun, and Faith Porikli, "Efficient Action Recognition via Dynamic Knowledge Propagation," Proc. IEEE/CVF ICCV, 2021
Hanul Kim, Soo-Min Choi, Chang-Su Kim, and Yeong Jun Koh, "Representative Color Transform for Image Enhancement," Proc. IEEE/CVF ICCV, 2021
[Jul] Hanul started his new job as an assistant professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology.