The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics 2021

Praia, Cape Verde, September 6-10, 2021

There will be a Special Issue (SI) associated with the conference, to be published in the international journal SOIC:

Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing (SOIC)

Any participant of the conference is welcome to submit a paper to the SI, following the instructions below.


0) From now on, all correspondence related to the SI is done from/to

(yes, the email is correct as it is, with '2017').

1) Each participant, that attended the CVIM'2021 conference and gave a talk, can submit, as corresponding author, a manuscript.

2) Between September 1st to October 31th 2021, the authors interested in submitting a paper must declare their intention to the following email:

3) Before November 15th, you will receive an answer to your email that you sent to (see previous item 2), with the LaTeX template of the journal. You must prepare your paper in that LaTeX style.

4) Your paper must be submitted before November 30th 2021. If you need some more time, please inform us about that, before November 30th, using the email

5) Your submission will follow a standard review process and there is no guarantee that your paper will be accepted. The SI is planned to be published in 2022.

6) All contributions must be original and research papers of very high quality. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication is approved by all Authors. The criteria for selection are:

1. Scientific excellence

2. Originality

3. Potential interest to a wide spectrum of SOIC readers

Contributions submitted to the special issue will be sent to two, or more, independent referees. Authors are welcome to suggest suitable referees, which the editors may or may not consider. All papers must be submitted electronically in TeX and PDF formats by email to The article should have been carefully checked by somebody whose native language is English or at least speaking fluently English and in the format of the SOIC journal: see item 3) above.

In particular, each article must contain an abstract, keywords and AMS 2010 subject classifications as found in

Guest Editor-in-Chief

Delfim F. M. Torres, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Guest Editors

Ricardo Almeida, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Paulino Fortes, University of Cape Verde, Cape Verde

Natália Martins, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Past Proceedings

Collection of papers associated with CVIM'2017:

Stat. Optim. Inf. Comput. 6 (2018), no. 1

Collection of papers associated with CVIM'2015:

J. Math. Anal. 7 (2016), no. 1

Collection of papers associated with CVIM'2013:

Conference Papers in Mathematics Volume 2013