
Ongoing Events

Boba Fundraiser for Under-Resourced Schools

Past Events

Food, Clothing, and Toy Drives

We donated around $75 worth of food and clothing to the Union Station Homeless Services during the month that our meetings were about homelessness in our community and around the world. We also donated canned food to the Pasadena Humane Society, as we partnered with Key Club for this service event. Additionally, we hosted a Christmas Toy Drive and donated toys to the Children's Hospital LA.

Bake Sale

We had a bake sale in collaboration with the California Scholarship Federation where we sent around $215 to UNICEF specifically to support global education programs.

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

We partnered with the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) for this service opportunity, where our members collected change by trick or treating or by asking family members, friends, family members coworkers, etc. Our club alone made $297 and in total (with CSF) we made $364.55. All of our profits were sent to UNICEF to benefit the most vulnerable children in third world countries.

Good Neighbors Initiative

For a week our members engaged in cleaning up trash around CVHS (Crescenta Valley High School) to help in the process of beautifying our neighborhood and the area around our school.

As of recently our club alone has sent over $600 to UNICEF.