Meeting Minutes

Covers the main topics of each meeting

Meeting #4- Aadhav started off the meeting with a slide show of all the things going on in out Astronomy Club. He talked about out club poster, which will go up sometime next week. The cabinet members decided to create this because of the reason that even though a lot of people in Carnegie are interested in Astronomy, they have no idea that this club exists. publicizing this club was out main reason of creating the poster. Another thing he talked about was the Yearbook pictures for our club. The cabinet members finalized 3 dates we can have our photos taken and did kind of a poll of what date our members want it to be. Friday 2/7/2020 @1:10 pm won by a landslide. After the general info was done, Yamen, a dedicated member, presented information about Black Holes. His presentation was informative and fabulous. Shout out to Yamen for going such a good job! The last thing we talked about was the coming month's HAS meetings. To get more information about HAS and the events, visit the slide show linked below.

Meeting #4- Black Holes

Meeting #3- Aadhav (President) started the meeting out with an intro of what the club will be doing this week: a demonstration on how gravity works! The inspiration for this week's lesson was the video "Gravity Visualized" in YouTube. Basically, Aadhav explained what gravity is, what space time is, why and hot it works, and also why and how orbits exist. We also found a Colorado PHET lab of the demonstration we did in this meeting. Finally, we talked about the club's constitution that was created as well as our website. To end the meeting, we talked about a 17th year old high school student who found a new planet while at a NASA internship, the best part of all of it was that he got to name it! The PPT presented and our constitution is located below.

Meeting #3- Orbits and Gravity
Club Constitution

Meeting #2- Aadhav started off the meeting with the basis for the activities will be doing in the club, including the lesson plan, courses we will be doing in the future, etc. The curriculum we will be using in this club is from Jimmy Newland's course. He is a high school Astronomy course teacher in Bellair High School, and he has bad a curriculum online. So that's what we will be using for future labs, lessons, and etc. Next, Aadhav and Sebastian introduced the Big Bang, and talked about the theory in dept. We also watched a video about the Big Bang (Credits to Kurzgesagt). Then, Simon talked about the evidence of the theory and the different events that lead to the formation of the theory. With that, the meeting was concluded! Below is the PPT presented in Meeting #2.

Meeting #2 - Big Bang

Meeting #1- Tejas (former cabinet member) introduced basic information about this website and covered dues ($5) which are due 11/8/19. Afterwards, our guest speaker, Joe Khalaf, vice president of the Houston Astronomical Society talked about the future of the club and the different events that the Houston Astronomical Society offers. Below are the 2 PPTs the cabinet members, as well as Mr. Khalaf presented.

Week #1
Mr. Khalaf's PPT Meeting#1.pptx

Interest Meeting- Aadhav (President) and Sebastian (Vice- President) gave a presentation giving the overview what we will be doing throughout the year and the different topics we will be covering. The PPT we presented is linked below. In the meeting, we discussed that we will be having weekly meetings every Friday, and will notify you via remind (code: cvhsastro5) if there are any schedule changes or other information. We covered the dues, $5, which club members should have on Friday, 10/25.

First Day PPT