5th Workshop on Computer Vision for Fashion, Art, and Design

New Orleans, Louisiana, June 19th 2022

See the previous versions of the workshop from 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018

Keynote speakers

Devi Parikh is a Research Director at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), and an Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. From 2013 to 2016, she was an Assistant Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. From 2009 to 2012, she was a Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), an academic computer science institute affiliated with University of Chicago. She has held visiting positions at Cornell Univer sity, University of Texas at Austin, Microsoft Research, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Facebook AI Research. Her research interests are in computer vision, natural language processing, embodied AI, human-AI collaboration, and AI for creativity.

Gerard Pons-Moll is a Professor at the University of Tübingen, at the department of Computer Science. He is also the head of the Emmy Noether independent research group ”Real Virtual Humans”, senior researcher at the Max Planck for Informatics (MPII) in Saarbrücken, Germany, and faculty at the IMPRS-IS (International Max Planck Research School - Intelligent Systems in Tübingen) and faculty at Saarland Informatics Campus. His research lies at the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning – with special focus on analyzing people in videos, and creating virtual human models by ”looking” at real ones. His research has produced some of the most advanced statistical human body models of pose, shape, soft-tissue and clothing (which are currently used for a number of applications in industry and research), as well as algorithms to track and reconstruct 3D people models from images, video, depth, and IMUs.

Tao Xiang is Professor of Computer Vision and Machine Learning and Distinguished Chair at the University of Surrey. He is also a Principal Researcher at Samsung AI Centre, Cambridge where he leads the Body Behaviour Group. Xiang’s research in computer vision has focused on video surveillance, daily activity analysis, and sketch analysis. He also has inter ests in large-scale machine learning problems including zero/few-shot learning and domain generalisation. He has published over 160 papers with 11K citations (h-index 60). Xiang serves as an area chair for computer vision conferences including ICCV and BMVC.

Noa Garcia is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Datability Science (IDS) at Osaka University. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher also at IDS after completing her Ph.D. at Aston University. Her research interests lay at the intersection of computer vision, natural language processing, and art analysis.