Claudio Vergari
This website introduces my academic and some personal interests. I am a researcher in biomechanics, currently working in Paris, France, at the Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak. I specialize in spinal mechanics, with a focus on scoliosis and intervertebral disc.
I obtained a PhD in Biomechanics in 2011 (you can download my thesis for more info), working on equine tendons mechnaical characterization with the aim of better understanding ultrasound propagation in this tissue. During my PhD and the following post doctoral research years I developed an interest in ultrasound applications in soft tissue. While echogrphy is the first association everybody does between the two, there are LOTS of other quantitative ultrasound-based techniques. In particular, I worked on axial transmission in tendon (bursts of ultrasound waves propating along the tendon) and on shear wave elastography, which I am developing in order to determine intervertebral disc mechanical properties.
Since 2012 I have been working on spine biomechanics, and of scoliotic spine in particular. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the trunk, including the spine and rib cage. If a progressive scolisois is left untreated, it can lead to respiratory and locomotion problems, and of course a severe deterioration of quality of life. I work on the early detection of progressive scoliosis, and on the improvement of treatment efficacy.
Today, I am an Enseignant-chercheur at the Institut de Biomécanique humaine - Georges Charpak, in Paris (France), where I head the "Imaging, subject-specific modeling, clinical and surgical innovation" team.