Call for Papers

The workshop considers two types of submissions: (1) long papers up to 8 pages excluding references; (2) extended abstracts up to 4 pages excluding references. We invite both types of submissions for oral and poster presentations during the workshop. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Medical image registration

  • Organ and lesion segmentation/detection

  • Image classification with MRI/CT/PET

  • Medical image enhancement/denoising

  • Learning robust medical image representation with noisy annotation

  • Un-/semi-/weakly- supervised medical image analysis

  • Medical anomaly/out-of-distribution prediction

  • Robustness and generalization of medical computer vision systems

  • Longitudinal study with computer vision

  • Life-long learning and active learning in medical computer vision

  • Multimodal medical image analysis

  • Generating diagnostic reports from medical images

  • Embedding medical knowledge in computer vision systems

  • Designing medical computer vision systems coherent with clinical reasoning

  • Knowledge transfer under various clinical environments

  • Predicting clinical outcomes from medical image analysis

  • Designing evaluation protocols under various real-world clinical scenarios

Submitted work can be of preliminary nature and we also invite perspectives and position papers to generate discussions about recent trends and major challenges. The accepted long papers will be published in conjunction with ICCV 2021 proceedings.

Acceptance and selection of orals and posters will be based on the fit to the workshop and decisions will be made by the program and organization committee.

Submission Instructions

Submission using CMT submission system

Please use ICCV 2021 submission template


Authors should submit a PDF version that needs to be ANONYMOUS. The paper should contain a brief description of the work including context, methodology, and results.

Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted at least one author commits to presenting it at the workshop.