Stéphane Mussard

Professor of Econometrics

CHROME - University of Nîmes

UM6P - Mohammed VI Polytechnic


Gini Machine Learning / XAI / Econometrics

Machine Learning with Gini Indices: Applications with Python, Springer book, forthcoming, 200 p.

KNN and K-Means in Gini Prametric Spaces, Cassandra Mussard, Arthur Charpentier, Stéphane Mussard, arXiv:2501.18028 

Le traitement automatisé du langage naturel : l’apport des transformers et les enjeux pour les sciences économiques, forthcoming in Revue d'économie politique (in french), with Charles Condevaux. 

Sentiment Analysis for Tourism Insights: A Machine Learning Approach, Kenza Charfaoui, Stéphane Mussard, Stats 2024: 7(4), 1527-1539

Article 700 Identification in Judicial Judgments: Comparing Transformers and Machine Learning Models, Sid Ali Mahmoudi, Guillaume Zambrano, Charles Condevaux, Stéphane Mussard, Stats 2024: 7, 1421–1436

Linking Appellate Judgments to Tribunal Judgments - Benchmarking Different ML Techniques, Charles Condevaux, Bruno Mathis, Sid Ali Mahmoudi, Stéphane Mussard, Guillaume Zambrano, JURIX 2022: 33-42

Scribe: A Specialized Collaborative Tool for Legal Judgment Annotation, Sid Ali Mahmoudi, Guillaume Zambrano, Charles Condevaux, Stéphane Mussard, JURIX 2022: 290-293

Fair and Efficient Alternatives to Shapley-based Attribution Methods, Charles Condevaux, Sébastien Harispe, Stéphane Mussard, ECML/PKDD (1) 2022: 309-324

NER sur décisions judiciaires françaises : CamemBERT Judiciaire ou méthode ensembliste ? Sid Ali Mahmoudi, Charles Condevaux, Bruno Mathis, Guillaume Zambrano, Stéphane Mussard, EGC 2022: 281-288

Principal Component Analysis: A Generalized Gini Approach, A. Charpentier, S. Mussard, T. Ouraga, European Journal of Operational Research, 294(1), 236-249, 2021

Weakly Supervised One-shot Classification using Recurrent Neural Networks with Attention: Application to Claim Acceptance Detection, avec C. Condevaux et S. Harispe, S. Mussard, G. Zambrano, JURIX, 2020 

Identification of Judicial Outcomes in Judgments : A Generalized Gini-PLS Approach, S. Mussard, Tagny-Ngompé, S. Harispe, J. Montmain et G. Zambrano, Stats 3(4), 427-443, 2020 

Generalized Gini Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analyses, S. Mussard C. Condevaux, G. Zambrano et T. Ouraga, International Journal of Statistics - METRON, Springer, numéro special 78(2), 219-236.

Detecting Sections and Entities in Court Decisions Using HMM and CRF Graphical Models, avec G. Tagny Ngompé, S. Harispe, G. Zambrano, S. Mussard, Jacky Montmain, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management, Springer, pp.61-86, 2019 

Gini regressions and heteroskedasticity, S. Mussard, A. Charpentier, N. Ka, et  O. Ndiaye, Econometrics, 2019, 7(1), 4.

Gini-PLS Regressions, Journal of Quantitative Economics, S. Mussard& F. Souissi, 2018.

Vector Autoregressive Models: A Gini Approach, Physica A, S. Mussard, O. Ndiaye, 2018, 492, 1967-1972. 

l1 Regressions : Gini Estimators for Fixed Effects Panel Data, Journal of Applied Statistics, S. Mussard, N. Ka, 2015 

Multidimensional Decomposition of Poverty : A Fuzzy Set Approach, Statistica & Applicazioni, vol. 5 n°1, 29-52, 2007, S. Mussard, Maria-Noel Pi Alperin. 

Extensions of Dagum's Gini Decomposition, Statistica & Applicazioni, Vol. IV, special issue n°2, 2006, S. Mussard, M.-N. Pi Alperin, F. Seyte, et M. Terraza. 

Operational Research / Cooperative Games / Risks

Atkinson-Shapley rules for TU-games: On the trade-off between efficiency and inequality, Theory and Decision, 2024, avec W. Briec & M. Dubois

Technical Efficiency in Firm Games with Constant Returns to Scale and α-Returns to Scale, Annals of Operations Research, 2021, avec W. Briec & M. Dubois

Improvement of technical efficiency of firm groups, European Journal of Operational Research, 283(3), 16, 991-1001, 2020, avec W. Briec 

On Some Relations Between Several Generalized Convex DEA Models, Optimization, 66(4), 547-570, 2017, avec W. Briec et L. Andriamasy

Efficient Firm Groups : Allocative Efficiency in Cooperative Games, European Journal of Operational Research, 239, 286-296, 2014, avec Walter Briec 

New Trading Risk Indexes : Application of the Shapley Value in Finance, Economics Bulletin, vol. 3 n°25 p. 1-7, 2007, avec Virgine Terraza 

On Multi-Decomposition of the Aggregate Malmquist Productivity Index, Economics Letters, avec Nicolas Peypoch, vol. 91(3), 2006, p. 436-443 

 Social Choice and Inequalities

Risk factors associated to the COVID-19: comparisons between France and Luxembourg, Economics Bulletin, Speciale issue in memory of Pr. Michel Terraza, 44(1), 500-514, 2024, Mussard & M.-N. Pi Alperin

Accounting for risk factors on health outcomes: The case of Luxembourg, European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3), 1180-1197, 2021, S. Mussard & M.-N. Pi Alperin

Utility and Income Transfer Principles: Interplay and Incompatibility, Mathematical Social Sciences, 100, 46-56, 2019, Marc Dubois & S. Mussard (CNRS 2).

A Note on alpha-Gini Measures, Review of Income and Wealth, 65(3), 675-682, 2019, Pauline Mornet & S. Mussard

Health Inequality Indices and Exogenous Risk Factors: An Illustration on Luxembourgish Workers,  European Journal of Health Economics, 19(9), 1285-1301, 2018, avec Maria-Noel Pi-Alperin 

Book Review of « Gini Inequality Index, Methods and Applications », Journal of Economic Inequality, Ndéné Ka & S. Mussard, 13, 321–324, 2015 

Introduction to the Special Issue in memory of Bernard Philippe : Advances in poverty, efficiency and inequality measurement, Economic Modelling, vol. 35, 870-873, 2013, S. Mussard, Walter Briec

The (α;β)-Multi-level α-Gini Decomposition with an illustration to income inequality in France in 2005, Economic Modelling, 35, 944-963, 2013, S. Mussard, Pauline Mornet et alii 

Linking Yitzhaki's and Dagum's Gini Decompositions, Applied Economics, vol. 44, 2997-3010, 2012, S. Mussard, Patrick Richard 

The Gini Multi-decomposition and the Role of Gini's Transvariation : Application to Partial Trade Liberalization in Philippines, Applied Economics, vol. 44(10), 1235-1249, 2012, S. Mussard, Luc Savard 

Poverty Growth in Scandinavian Countries : A Sen Multi-decomposition, Economic Modelling, vol. 28, 2842-2853, 2011, S. Mussard, Maria Noel Pi Alperin

Income Inequality Games, Journal of Economic Inequality, 9, 529-554, 2011, S. Mussard, Arthur Charpentier 

On the Links Between Unemployment Rate, Monetary Creation and the Value-added Sharing, Economic Modelling, vol. 28, 767-774, 2011, S. Mussard, Bernard Philippe

Quadratic Pen's Parade and the Computation of the Gini Index, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 57(3), 583-587, 2011, S. Mussard, J. Sadefo Kamdem, F. Seyte, M. Terraza

Decomposition of s-Concentration Curves, Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 41(4), 1312-1328, 2008, S. Mussard, Paul Makdissi 

Analyzing the Impact of Indirect Tax Reforms on Rank Dependant Social Welfare Functions : A Positional Dominance Approach, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 30(3), 385-399, 2008, S. Mussard, Paul Makdissi