I was reading about bitmap images. They are one of the more simple image formats (especially 1 bit bitmaps). I am interested to see what a sound file looks like. May someone refer me to the most simple sound file format?

Wave files are the simplest sound format. They have a header (which can sometimes be complicated but usually isn't), and then the actual sound data is raw, uncompressed PCM. Because they're uncompressed, though, they get very big very fast for even moderately long sounds.

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That way you can start with sound in nearly any format, and export it as a binary file according to your desire. I'm using 16 bit signed, little endian, mono sound, for instance. Very handy and very easy to manipulate in simple test programs. Can probably even deserialize it in some programming languages into an array or vector.

There is another good explanation of baseline WAVE format:


I used it to implement WAV reading/writing in C# from scratch without any problems.

P.S. AudioFormat is 1 for integer values and 3 for floating-point.

WAV files are fairly simple. They simply consist of multiple 8, 16, or 32-bit integers which indicate the "height" (the Y coordinate) of the wave at a given time. For example, a square wave may look like this in an 8-bit WAV:

Having said that, it would be great to have an option of a regular table. One that can be formatted with merged cells, columns, style headings, etc. Kind of like a table in Word.

It would be great also for creating tables with formulas inside. If this could be paired with charts, I think it would be very powerful.

I think it would be easier in this case to use some format of external data storage, reading from a file. In such a file, items and rooms would be stored by name and attributes, so that they could parsed into an object with relative ease.

What formats would be best for this? I feel a full-blown database such as SQL would add unnecessary bloat to a fairly light script. On the other hand, an easy method of editing this data is important, either through an external application, or another python script. On the lighter end of things, the few I heard most often mentioned are XML, JSON, and YAML.

I've looked around both here and via Google, and while I've seen quite a bit on the topic, I have not been able to find anything specifically helpful to me. Will formats like JSON or YAML be sufficient for this, or would I be better served with a full-blown database?

I would be tempted to research a little into some GUI that could output graphviz (DOT format) with annotations, so you could create the rooms and links between them (a sort of graph). Then later, you might want another format to support heftier info.

Wavefront OBJ is a very simple text file format for storing 3d models and it's supported by all 3d modeling applications (eg. maya, 3dsmax, lightwave) so you can export and import your models very easily.

I don't know of any formats that actively target wireframe views. (Edge/vertex only) You'll almost always have to deal with faces at the very least. The fortunate part there is that unless you have a very specific need for nothing but an edge list wireframe rendering can be done with just about any API from a face list.

As for the format, OBJ is good and simple, if a little outdated. It's also likely the easiest format to find documentation for. Microsoft's X files are great for quick and dirty rendering, but I've always been somewhat partial to the Quake formats. They tend to be very game-oriented, though, and as such include a lot of info you probably don't want.

If none of those meet your needs, maybe look into COLLADA. It probably won't work for you by itself, but you could write a quick exporter into your own format that only contains edge/vertex info, and at that point you essentially have support for every modeling package on the planet :)

POV-Ray's RAW triangle format is what I consider to be the simplest. You really can't get any simpler in my opinion. I implemented a load for this in a matter of minutes - it is a really really simple format.

OBJ is the most widespread and simplest, but it breaks down if you need more than vertex position, normal, and a single texture coordinate. It's not extensible at all. It's also text based so it has trouble with large meshes.

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I'm looking for a raw image file format as simplistic as PGM, but encoded in binary, so that I can write pixels in bursts.I've searched over Wikipedia and Google and found none that didn't start to have complex headers and such.Can anybody recommend me such a type of a file format?

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Simple Data Format (SDF) is a platform-independent, precision-preserving binary data I/O format capable of handling large multi-dimensional arrays. It was written in 2007 by George H. Fisher, a researcher at the Space Sciences Laboratory at UC Berkeley, and released under the GNU General Public License.

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A simple digital format supporting the technical aspects of exchange and storage of polygraphic signals has been specified. Implementation of the format is simple and independent of hard- or software environments. It allows for any local montages, transducers, prefiltering, sampling frequencies, etc. At present, 7 laboratories in various countries have used the format for exchanging sleep-wake recordings. These exchanges have made it possible to create a common database of sleep records, to compare the analysis algorithms local to the various laboratories to each other by applying these algorithms to identical signals, and to set up a computer-aided interlaboratory evaluation of manual and automatic analysis methods.

The lateral flow test has become the standard bioassay format in low-resource settings because it is rapid, easy to use, and low in cost, uses reagents stored in dry form, and is equipment-free. However, lateral flow tests are often limited to a single chemical delivery step and not capable of the multistep processing characteristic of high performance laboratory-based assays. To address this limitation, we are developing a paper network platform that extends the conventional lateral flow test to two dimensions; this allows incorporation of multistep chemical processing, while still retaining the advantages of conventional lateral flow tests. Here, we demonstrate this format for an easy-to-use, signal-amplified sandwich format immunoassay for the malaria protein PfHRP2. The card contains reagents stored in dry form such that the user need only add sample and water. The multiple flows in the device are activated in a single user step of folding the card closed; the configuration of the paper network automatically delivers the appropriate volumes of (i) sample plus antibody conjugated to a gold particle label, (ii) a rinse buffer, and (iii) a signal amplification reagent to the capture region. These results highlight the potential of the paper network platform to enhance access to high-quality diagnostic capabilities in low-resource settings in the developed and developing worlds. e24fc04721

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