Cuyahoga County 2022 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

What is Hazard Mitigation?

Hazard mitigation is the act of implementing projects that helps reduce losses from natural or man-made hazards.

What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan?

Mitigation plans look at all the different hazards that can impact your community, vulnerable assets and populations, and provides solutions on how to make sure that your community is as safe as possible when hazard events such as tornadoes or floods occur.

Why are they important?

Having a mitigation plan in place as part of your communities planning documentation can help other planning efforts remain consistent with safety. Let's say that a new school is about to be built. Having a mitigation plan with storm protection actions helps provide a basis for why the school should be built to include a storm shelter for the community.

Mitigation plans also help identify the vulnerabilities in your community and proposing solutions that will help ensure that these can be secured. FEMA, Ohio, and many other organizations offer funding for mitigation projects. Having a hazard mitigation plan in place shows that your community is being proactive in thinking about mitigation, making it more likely that your projects will be funded.

Hazard Mitigation Planning Meetings Materials

The following links include the PowerPoint Presentations, recorded WebEx meetings, and meeting minutes from the planning committee meetings held for the Cuyahoga County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.

If you were unable to participate in one of the meetings held, please review the meeting materials for the meeting(s) you missed. If you have any questions, please contact Claire Fetter at (614) 538-7605 or at

2021 Cuyahoga County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Kickoff Meeting