AGM 2018

Invitation to the 2018 Annual General Meeting of PSAC 05/20500

The Commissionaires Union of BC

Tuesday March 27th, 2018 19:00 Hours (7pm)

The Esquimalt Legion, 622 Admirals Road

Brothers and Sisters,

Our Union is holding its Annual General Membership Meeting (AGM) at the Esquimalt Legion this year to give us more room for Members to attend. We look forward to seeing you there. Several key items are on the attached Agenda including:

Elections of the Union President, the Vice President and the Secretary

Please submit your name to the Election Committee for one of the above positions. You must be a Member in good standing if you wish to be considered and will need to be nominated, and have a second for your nomination, by Members in good standing. Election Committee members Dave MacLaughlin, Alex Greer and John Davies can be contacted via email at for information on the Elections or to receive nominations and a form for being considered will be on the Union web site to download and fill in.

Elections of Three (3) Bargaining Team Members and 2 Alternates for 2019, where nominations will be taken from the floor during the AGM.

A Ratification Vote of proposed changes to your Directly Chartered Local’s By-Laws is submitted by the Executive. A copy of the By-Laws is here 2018 By-Laws

Your Executive is excited to report on our Union’s prospects for the upcoming year.

There will be a draw for door prizes and gifts for those who attend the AGM.

If you cannot attend in person a Toll-free dial in number and code to attend the meeting can be obtained from Nancy Sermons by email at or by calling any of the union Executive members as listed on the Team Tab.

In solidarity, David Schinbein,

President PSAC 05/20500

The Commissionaires Union of BC

Our mailing address is:

PSAC DCL 20500

Bylaws 2018

AGM 2018 Agenda.pdf