Custom Keto Diet

Custom Keto Diet Plan

What You Need To Know About Custom Keto Diet

DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is for general knowledge only and should not be taken as a professional recommendation. We are neither a licensed professional nor a medical practitioner, so always do your due diligence as well as consult your doctor before starting a weight loss program. This article also does not represent either our approval or our endorsement of this product or any statement, claim, or opinion used in its promotion.

What is Custom Keto Diet?

You may be familiar with the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The Custom Keto Diet is partly similar to Atkin’s diet with respect to keeping the carbohydrate levels low, but instead of leveling up the protein content in your diet, it increases the fat content. A typical Custom Keto Diet meal constitutes 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Contrary to what you may think, a high-fat meal is not necessarily unhealthy eating. A Custom Keto Diet plan would consist of meat, seafood, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and vegetables.

As its name suggests, Custom Keto Diet is a customized diet plan that is tailored to your body type and fitness level as well as your preferences on the type of foods to suit your choices. With its increasing popularity, keto recipes are also widely available. Custom Keto Diet also claimed their snacks plan that could melt away both facial and waistline fats in as fast as just eight weeks. This Custom Keto Diet article attempts to look into the details of it.

It may appear illogical that your high-fat diet meal could help you lose weight. As a norm, your diet is usually high in carbohydrates, which are converted into glucose or blood sugar, for energy. When glucose is absorbed into your bloodstream, insulin will be released to store the excess glucose as fat. Therefore, it follows that more carbohydrates, more glucose; more glucose, more insulin; and more insulin, more fat.

Custom Keto Diet harnesses the fact that when your diet is low-carbohydrate and high-fat, there will be no insulin spike, and there will be no fat reserves in your body. Instead, fat from the diet and stored fat are broken down to ketones ("keto" is abbreviated for "ketogenic" producing ketones). Like glucose, ketones can be used for energy, fuelling your body to stay active with no increases in blood sugar or no increase in fat reserve.

8 Benefits of the Custom Keto Diet

The Custom Keto Diet has immense benefits as follows:

i)      Weight Loss

First and foremost, the Custom Keto Diet is excellent for burning up excess fat and losing weight, which is the primary goal of the keto diet. Consuming a lesser amount of carbohydrates helps to reduce your appetite. When the body has a low carbohydrate level, it enters a state of ketosis, where blood sugar and insulin levels drop. As the body taps energy in fat cells, they release a substantial amount of water, triggering some good weight loss effects. The fat cells then enter the bloodstream and make their way to the liver, where they are broken down into ketones for energy. As the Custom Keto Diet allows you to stay in a caloric deficit, you get the benefit of weight loss. Therefore, burning excess fat for energy will lead to faster weight loss.

ii)     Reduces Appetite

When your diet is light on carbohydrates, you will feel that you no longer crave more food than before. Many people who are on the Custom Keto Diet do not often feel hungry in between proper mealtimes. Therefore, they do not need to snack in between mealtimes as before.

iii)    Improved Mental Focus

When you are on a regular diet where carbohydrate levels are inconsistent, your mind needs to cope with the extreme fluctuation in blood sugar levels while your body experiences inconsistent energy levels. Due to this, it is difficult for your mind to stay focused. With the Custom Keto Diet, however, the energy levels remain constant and consistent. Therefore, your mind is better able to stay focused.

iv)    Feeling more Energetic

When you are on a regular diet, your body tends to use up energy quite rapidly. Due to this, you get hungry fast, and you need to frequently eat to replenish your energy. With the Custom Keto Diet, however, your body taps its fat reserves, a somewhat perpetuating energy source. Your body will then have a constant supply of energy all day long and feel more energetic.

v)     Helps fight Diabetes

If you have Type II diabetes, your bloodstream will have high insulin levels. With the Custom Keto Diet, however, your diet will not have excess sugar due to a lower intake of carbohydrates. Therefore, it assists in stabilizing HbA1c counts and reduces the need for diabetic insulin injections. Over time, reverse your Type-II diabetes naturally.

vi)    Reduced Triglycerides

Triglycerides are fat subunit molecules that normally circulate in your bloodstream. High levels of these molecules are a high-risk factor that leads to heart disease. In Custom Keto Diet, since fat is burned for energy, the amount of triglyceride molecules present in the bloodstream decreases significantly, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

vii)   Improved Cholesterol

High LDL cholesterol is another significant risk factor for heart disease. Too much bad cholesterol in your bloodstream tends to build up in the internal walls of your arteries, narrowing them and leading to atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease. Custom Keto Diet reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing good HDL cholesterol levels in your bloodstream.

viii)  Reduces Blood Pressure

With the Custom Keto Diet, your blood pressure drops. Many people with high blood pressure, and who were on this diet found that their blood pressure dropped so significantly that they were able to discontinue taking blood pressure medicine totally.

How is Custom Keto Diet Different from other Keto Diet Plans?

Rachel Roberts has devised a unique way to lose weight and shape that perfect figure you have always wanted. She harnesses a scientific process called ketosis, which happens when your body does not have sufficient carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it burns fat and changes it to ketones for use as energy. This way, the extra fat in your body is burned off naturally to achieve a svelte figure. But to achieve this goal, you must follow through with the Custom Keto Diet plan with consistency. However, this plan is not for fickle-minded people who often change their diet plans and are unable to stick with one.

Custom Keto Diet provides a free downloadable copy of the grocery list and suggested meals menu that allows you to edit and use as you see fit.

Custom Keto Diet plan is for a period of 8 weeks suitable for males and females of all body shapes and sizes. There are also no age limits to this plan, which is an added bonus to the product. Rachel Roberts had carefully developed the Custom Keto Diet plan in collaboration with both top chefs and nutritionists. As such, it is designed to help you reach the weight loss goal you have always wanted.

Other Special Features of Custom Keto Diet

Customer care support is available 24/7 to answer queries and help customers follow through with their diet plans. Custom Keto Diet plan entails the listing of each and every important need of your body, for example, water intake, recommended calories, etc.

After the customer has completed the questionnaire, he or she will be given a summary comprising of body mass index (BMI), activity levels, and the “planned” portion sizes of food with respect to fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Besides, the customer will also be given a targeted weight he or she will achieve after 30 days of following the Custom Keto Diet plan. To ensure customers' satisfaction with the product, trending keto diet plans will be shared to enable customers to compare theirs with it.

How Does Custom Keto Diet Work?

Custom Keto Diet is very much unlike other keto diet plans, which compel your body to adjust to the harsh condition that is sustainable only for a short term. The 8-week, Custom Keto Diet does not restrict customers from enjoying their favorite foods and carrying on with their daily lives but with a slight tweak if you consider having to follow specific food proportions.

The various steps and options in the Custom Keto Diet plan are below:

Step 1 – Select Activity Level

The user requires to choose the current daily activity level. This is important to suggest the number of calories and food types to take in the 8-week plan.

•      Couch potato

•      Somewhat active

•      Average activity

•      Very active

•      Extremely active

 Step 2 – Select Your Favorite Foods

Meat Category

This section includes all rich protein sources of meat. Users may skip this step if the user wants meat excluded.

•      Chicken

•      Fish

•      Pork

•      Beef

•      Bacon

•      No meat

Vegetable Category

For a Custom Keto Diet plan to work, the user needs to choose at least one vegetable.

•      Broccoli

•      Cauliflower

•      Avocado

•      Zucchini

•      Asparagus

•      Mushrooms

Other Foods Category

The user also has the option to select some other foods so as to add varieties.

•      Coconut

•      Eggs

•      Cheese

•      Butter

•      Nuts

•      Cottage cheese.

What Helps Custom Keto Diet Rise above Others in the Market?

Custom Keto Diet has certain unique features that enable it to rise above other keto diet plans that are also claiming to be on top of others, in the market. Here are the unique features of the Custom Keto Diet.

1. No Restriction in Dining Out

Custom Keto Diet is committed to providing its customers full satisfaction with its simple and user-friendly diet plans. This is the reason the diet plan allows customers the flexibility to eat out once in a while, but need to choose a keto-related meal. Some commonly chosen food eateries that sell keto-related food are Burger King, McDonald's, Subway, In & Out Burger, and Wendy’s.

2. Diet Plans that are Customizable

Custom Keto Diet is based on advanced technology and friendly diet algorithms to suggest the most appropriate foods your body needs. However, if you do not like its suggestions, you could edit the plan to suit your taste buds. The diet algorithm will recalculate to see if your diet plan is still optimal or otherwise.

3. No need for Intermittent Fasting

There are people who think that intermittent fasting is necessary to lose weight. Custom Keto Diet does not require any kind of fasting.


•      Still many food choices

•      Friendly to vegetarians and people with allergy

•      Does not affect organs and tissues

•      Reduces LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol

•      All meals are prepared fresh

•      User-friendly

•      Balances blood sugar levels and maintains optimal blood pressure

•      Cleanses blood

•      Provides a grocery list

•      Step-by-step instructions

•      Flexible diet plans with long-term benefits

•      Adjustable to suit the user’s needs

•      100% money-back guarantee


•      Can only be purchased online


Custom Keto Diet was designed to help people all over the world turn their lives around by taking charge of their bodies and health.

Custom Keto Diet is the latest product in the market that allows you to create your very own keto diet plan based on your food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight, and target weight goals.

Custom Keto Diet was developed based on scientific research and proven studies to create personalized ketogenic diet plans that maximize fat burning through the correct calories and macronutrients for you; and comes with a ready-to-make menu, grocery lists, and guidelines.

Custom Keto Diet has made ketosis so much simpler as it guides the user on what to eat and what not to eat according to personal preferences and the weight loss goal they want.

Due to the many benefits of the Custom Keto Diet, it will only help you lose weight rapidly, but it could also improve your overall health and help prevent the onset of diseases of any kind.

Custom Keto Diet is very flexible and has many awesome recipes. It is not hard to follow through. It will definitely change your life for the better; all it takes is to Take Action Now and give it a shot!

 If you want the Custom Keto Diet Plan that has helped thousands of people all over the world, Click Here to watch the FREE video Now.

Also, Introducing a New Approach To The Ketogenic Diet For Men And Women Over The Age of 50. Click on the image below to access it.