Moduli of curves, Hilbert Schemes, and Tropical Geometry

AMS Special Session Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, "Brown University" (Virtual) MArch 20-21 2021

This meeting is the rescheduled version of a session planned for the March 2020 AMS Sectional, which was canceled due to COVID.


Times shown are Eastern Time. Note that Daylight Savings will be in effect.

Saturday, March 20: Morning session

  • 8:00AM Han-Bom Moon, Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity maps

  • 8:30AM Yusuf Mustopa, Rational curves on moduli spaces of vector bundles

  • 9:00AM Dori Bejleri, The locus of rational maps with marked poles inside the Kontsevich space

  • 9:30AM Ana-Maria Castravet, Blown-up toric surfaces with non-polyhedral effective cone

Saturday, March 20: Mid-day session

  • 11:00AM Hyuk Jun Kweon, Bounds on the torsion subgroups of Néron-Severi groups

  • 11:30AM Ethan Cotterill, Arithmetic inflection of superelliptic curves

  • 12:00PM Shiyue Li, Topology of tropical moduli spaces of weighted stable curves in higher genus

Saturday, March 20: Afternoon session

  • 3:00PM Dawei Chen, Volume and Segre class of the cotangent bundle of the moduli space of curves

  • 3:30PM - 5:00PM Open problem discussion (submit problems here)

Sunday, March 21: Mid-day session

  • 11:00AM Renzo Cavalieri, Tropical psi classes

  • 11:30AM María Angélica Cueto, Combinatorics and real lifts of bitangents to tropical quartic curves

  • 12:00PM Claudia Yun, The S_n-equivariant rational homology of the tropical moduli spaces \Delta_{2,n}


  • Ignacio Barros-Reyes (Northeastern U)

  • Noah Giansiracusa (Bentley U)

  • Rob Silversmith (Northeastern U)