

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Gray CA, Disturbance type affects regeneration of Great Basin bristlecone pines, In review to Canadian Journal of Forestry (August 2020) .

Null SE, Farshid A, Goodrum G, Gray CA, Lohani S, Morrisett CN, Prudencio L, and Sor R (2021) A Meta-Analysis of Environmental Tradeoffs of Hydropower Dams in the Sekong, Sesan, and Srepok (3S) Rivers of the Lower Mekong Basin. Water, 13(1), p.63.

Gray CA, Toone C, Jenkins MJ, SE Null, LL Yocum, (2021) Spatial and Temporal Fuels Changes in Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) from Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), Forest Ecology and Management, 482, 118789.

Brahney J, Bothwell ML, Capito L, Gray CA, Null SE, Menounos B, Curtis PJ (2021) Glacier recession alters stream water quality characteristics facilitating bloom formation in the benthic diatom Didymosphenia geminata, Science of The Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142856

Runyon JB, Gray CA, MJ,  (2020) Volatiles of High-Elevation Five-Needle Pines: Chemical Signatures through Ratios and Insight into Insect and Pathogen Resistance, Journal of Chemical Ecology. 

Gray CA, Runyon JB and Jenkins MJ (2019) Great Basin Bristlecone Pine Volatiles as a Climate Change Signal Across Environmental Gradients. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2:10. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2019.00010

Gray CA and Jenkins MJ, (2017) Climate warming alters fuels across elevational gradients in Great Basin bristlecone pine-dominated sky island forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 392, pp.125-136.

Beach T, Null SE, Gray CA (2016) An affordable method of thermal infrared remote sensing of wadeable rivers using a weather balloon. Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence 7 (I), 26-31.

Gray CA, Runyon JB, Jenkins MJ, Giunta AD (2015) Mountain Pine Beetles Use Volatile Cues to Locate Host Limber Pine and Avoid Non-Host Great Basin Bristlecone Pine. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135752. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135752.

Franklin J, McCullough P, and Gray CA (2000) Terrain variables used for predictive mapping of vegetation communities in Southern California. Terrain analysis: principles and applications: 331-353.


Near Submission

Gray CA, Null SE, McPhee J, Using shifting species distribution models to inform rainfall runoff models in Central Chile.

Other Publications

Jenkins, MJ and Gray, CA, (2018) Monitoring the impact of climate change on the frequency and severity of fires and distribution of Great Basin bristlecone pine sky island ecosystem. In: General Technical Report SRS-239. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station., 2019, pp.161-165.

Gray CA, (2017) Measuring fuels in Great Basin bristlecone pine communities.  The Midden, Great Basin National Park summer issue.

Teich M, Schneebeli M, Bebi P, Giunta AD, Gray CA, Jenkins MJ (2016) Effects of Bark Beetle Attacks on Snowpack and Snow Avalanche Hazard. Proceedings International Snow Science Workshop, October 2016.

Gray CA, Runyon JB, Jenkins MJ (2015) Why Does Exposure to Wildfire Smoke Alter Tree Chemistry? Restoring the West Conference Proceedings, 25, October, 2015.

Unger B, Dettenmaier M, Gray CA, McAvoy D (2015) Utah Forests Map: Exploring Utah’s Forests. Utah State University. Poster printed and distributed by USU Forestry Extension.

Gray CA (2014) The Impact of Climate Variability on the Frequency and Severity of Ecological Disturbances in Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in Sky Islands.  Proceedings of the IMSAF Annual Meeting, April 11, 2014, Logan, UT.

Beach T, Null SE, Gray CA (2014) Utah Water Map: Exploring Utah’s Water. Utah State University. Poster printed and distributed by EPSCoR’s iUTAH project.

Gray CA, Runyon JB, Jenkins MJ (2014) Characterizing Great Basin bristlecone pine tree chemistry. 24th IUFRO World Congress, October, 2014.

General Plans and Reports (Contributed)

Grover Hot Springs State Park Botanical Survey, Prepared By: Ellen Dean UC Davis Center for Plant Diversity Plant Sciences. February 2011.  URL:

Upper Truckee River Restoration and Golf Course Reconfiguration Project, Environmental Impact Report/Statement.  Prepared by California State Parks. January 2010. URL:

Año Nuevo State Park and State Natural Reserve Preliminary General Plan and Draft EIR. March 2008.  URL:

Butano State Park and State Natural Reserve, Final General Plan and EIR. October 2008.  URL:

Donner Memorial State Park, General Plan and Environmental Impact Report. 2003.  URL:

Crystal Cover Historic District Preservation and Public Use Plan, Crystal Cove State Park General Plan Amendment (2003)  URL:


Gray CA, Youcom, LL, Ramsey RD, July 2020. Mapping the composition of aspen in Utah forests using multivariate analysis. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, SLC, UT.

Null, SE, S Lohani, L Prudencio, G Goodrum, C Morrisett, CA Gray.  October 2019.  Environmental effects of dam construction in the Se Kong, Se San, and Sre Pok (3S) Rivers of the Lower Mekong Basin: A literature review.  American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Conference.  Reno, NV.

Gray CA,  Using species distribution models to inform rainfall runoff models. Universidad de Chile - Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas  May 10, 2018. 

Jenkins, M., C. Jorgensen, W. Page, C. Toone, A. Guinta, CA. Gray, J. Runyon, and L. Hebertson. 2017. Bark beetles, fuels, and fire behavior—a comprehensive overview of a decade of research in North American conifer forests. 7th International Fire Ecology and Management Conference, Orlando, FL. (November 29) (presented by M. Jenkins).

Gray CA, Runyon JB, Jenkins MJ. Characterizing Great Basin Bristlecone Pine Chemistry along Environmental Gradients to Assess Response to Climate Change, Restoring the West 2016.

Gray CA. The Impact of Climate Variability on the Frequency and Severity of Ecological Disturbances in Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in Sky Islands. Oral Presentation. Intermountain Society of American Foresters Annual Spring Meeting, Logan UT. April 2014.

Gray CA, Runyon JB, Jenkins MJ. Exposure to wildfire smoke alters tree chemistry of high elevation conifers. Poster Presentation. Restoring the West: Restoration and Fire in the Interior West. October 2015. Logan, UT.

Gray CA, Runyon JB, Jenkins MJ. Characterizing Great Basin bristlecone pine tree chemistry. Poster Presentation. International Union of Forest Research Organizations World Congress: Sustaining Forest, Sustaining People, October, 2014.  Salt Lake City, UT.

Jenkins MJ, Gray CA, Runyon JB, Alexander ME, Page WG, Toone C. Evaluation Monitoring Funded Projects Explain Relationships Between Bark Beetles, Fuels and Fire Behavior.  Poster Presentation. USDA Forest Service Environmental Monitoring Meeting. April 2013.

Jenkins MJ, Alexander ME, Page WG, Gray CA, Toone C.  Evaluation Monitoring: Monitoring on the Margin Funded Projects Explain Relationships Between Bark Beetles, Fuels and Fire Behavior.  Poster Presentation. USDA Forest Service Environmental Monitoring Meeting April 2012.

Gray CA, Rosenburg M., Sapsis D. Regional Fuel Mapping (1998) In California:  An Interagency Approach. Presented at the Role of Information Technology in Fire Management Conference, California Association of Fire Ecology.

Shandley J, Franklin J, Gray CA, Woodcock CE. Digital Vegetation Maps for Southern California National Forests from TM image classification and Digital Terrain Modeling. 1997. ASPRS-ACSM-RT-Auto Carto Annual Convention and Exposition, Seattle, WA, April 1997. Poster presentation.

Franklin J, McCullough P, Gray CA, Simons D. Terrain variables used for predictive mapping of vegetation communities in Southern California, Terrain Analysis Workshop, Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 21-25, 1996.