Curry Leaves in Magill, Adelaide

These are also known kadi patta leaves.


Curry Leaves For Sale in Magill, Adelaide at $2 per bag. These are also known kadi patta leaves. 

For those people who understand the concept of Grow Free, and run their own carts, these bags of curry leaves are free. 

If any one wants some leaves, please feel free to arrange a time to pick some from us by ringing us on (08) 8331 1599 or by email via or via our facebook page.


We have a curry leaf trees in our garden,  and have been supplying people these leaves since 2015,  and they seem to be quite popular.

We have never used any sprays or any chemicals on them. They are all natural,  and we don’t really do anything to them except prune them. The leaves are also 100% fresh because we only take them off the tree when you are there,  and you pick which stems you want.

From time to time, we also have seedlings, which are quite hard to grow, because once in a pot it is hard to keep them alive once they transferred into the ground. I have got around this problem by planting the seeds in pots that easily decompose once planted, hence the seedlings are not disrupted at all during the planting process. The cost of our seedlings are $5 plus $1 per cm of growth.

Useful links/information:

Cooking with curry leaves:

Curry leaves and potato recipe: Julie Sahni’s Hot Curry Leaf Potatoes – The Washington Post A quote from Julie Sahni: “Curry leaves are this decade’s lemon grass! People are using them more and more, and finding out how amazing their flavor can be.”

Useful links and information on Curry leaves are in: Curry leaf recipes Curry Leaves: What Are They? Freezing curry leaves Storing Fresh Curry Leaves Recipes videos: Karivepaku Podi / Curry Leaf Spice Powder – Indian Condiment Recipe. Curry Leaves Chutney (Kadi Patta Chutney) Indian Recipe

10 reasons you should eat curry leaves (also known as kadi patta) (Click for more information)

#1 Helps keep anaemia at bay

#2 Protects your liver from damage

#3 Maintains your blood sugar levels

#4 Protects you from heart disease

#5 Helps with digestion

#6 Relieves the symptoms of diarrhoea

#7 Can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy

#8 Reduces congestion in the chest and nose

#9 Treats and prevents skin infections

#10 Accelerates hair growth

So, the next time you see curry leaves in your plate, don’t throw away but eat them to reap their amazing health benefits.