Curry History

Beginning Era (2019-2020)

Curry Gang started with Asian playerbases which did not have any state or region. Prakash had good relations with the HKers and Taiwanese (Chun, Ray, Enrichtu, etc) so it was easy to get them on board. With them our strength increased multi-fold in very quick time. They also brought along with them the Koreans. he had no sense of the Korean community but since they were Asians with relatively very less experience and also because we were starting to collect all Asians in one team, we accepted them as well. Then, Prakash noticed the once very buzzing community of Vietnamese almost dying. Indians and Viets have been BFF's since the time of TSM and after a very short convo with Awqsed, the remnant of Vietnamese community was also on board. Meanwhile, we started exploring and gathering others such as the Indonesians and Malaysians. While we were at it, an opportunity presented us when one of the GBS Italian regions was couped in India by some hidden enemy of theirs. We took the opportunity and made a state there. That was our first state and it still exists somehow. But we were short of regions and too many players to feed so much so that, Taiwanese would send their players to moon to farm. After a few weeks, NegaMan from Endochi was leaving the game and he gifted curry the region he owned in India - Nagaland. We gathered a few regions here and there and also made a state for the budding Korean community in S. Afghanistan. The Koreans bought a few regions with their own money and in a span of 2-3 months we had multiple states and 10+ regions. All this while, Shaggy using his Russian connection, got us into North Union bloc and got us protection from big blocs.
The big war between Turks and Russians happened and we ended up on the losing side. We fought with NU as long as NU didn't scam us. Chun had loaned 200T to epifan to help finance the war against Turks but we all know what Epifan did. The new NU administration washed their hands of the episode and so we decided to compensate ourselves by taking over nearby NU regions. During this time, there were some disagreement in the Curry leader council on what all NU regions to take to compensate Chun's 200T. Prakash being the hothead in these situation, he left the Curry leader council and reduced his self to just a member of Curry. Sensing the disagreement, Chun took a stand and reorganized the Curry leader council and took the initiative of the Curry lead and convinced Prakash to join back. After this messy affair, we joined the buffer bloc of LBA under the leadership of Ale. During my absence from leader council, Chun took another stellar decision of accepting the Iraqi playerbase into curry. We continued picking off small states and teams in our surrounding without agitating the big blocs but ofcourse the big blocs like to interfere even when they shouldn't. Anyways moving forward.

Peace Era (Early 2020)

During this time, Endochi made a comeback. Endochode and Void, had kept the party alive in absence of their core leaders. Arch, Blake and Heim made a comeback and gathered all the other dormant Endochi loyalists to make the political Endochi party that we see today, different from the Mercenary party it was under Endochode's reign. Very quickly, Endochi rose up to prominence inside LBA. Arch made a buffer supposedly inclined with LBA called Glizzy Gladiators out of a meme. Since, Endochi and Prakash are like brothers from another mother, Curry joined Arch's bloc and soon the bloc had 15+ states (curry had around 13 states in that bloc) and 25+ regions. Meanwhile we also tried courting Indonesians and Malaysians to join our holy union. But unfortunately, only NA and his team of Indonesians decided to be a part of curry and Malaysians promised to provide support but decided to pursue independent policies.

Chaos Era (Sept 2020-Jan 2021)

We made curry keeping in mind that we would not drag our past into the project. But others did. The Iraqis we accepted in our team had a blood feud with another faction from Iraq and that faction joined the Italian group banded by Ajeje. Ajeje and the Iraqis plotted to attack the Iraqis in curry with the goal of taking up all of other Curry. The war started and it was a talking point for days. In the end, we persevered thanks to Endochi and all their might in terms of damage, allies and money. After having won the war, we offered Ajeje peace and let him be in his Indian regions but he took the loss personally. He agreed to a two month peace time and planned to attack us again. He started the Chaos bloc with the ex-GBS Italians. During the two month peace, we spoke with many blocs and people to ask for assistance for the inevitable war. Most gave lip service and politely declined to be involved fearing the credit card might of ex-GBS Italians. The war came and we had already burnt our regions to ashes and were crushed by Chaos bloc. We saved a few states and regions but lost a lot. But we made sure to leave a burning hole in our enemy's pocket. One month after the war started, Ajeje and Italian had taken control of India. We were left with few regions given by Endochi in America to save our states.

After the loss, we planned some coups here and there targeting Chaos and G20 bloc, which helped Chaos to take over India, as usual we won few coups and lost few. Tried our best to give troubles to those who troubled us. During this tough phase too, every community within curry stayed strong and never thought about leaving curry and pursuing there own policies.

At this time Rakesh was playing with NF independent of Curry. Before attacking Curry, there was some misunderstandings between Ajeje and Rakesh. Ajeje accused Rakesh of helping Curry while being in NF. These altercations snow balled and Ajeje attacked Rakesh's state twice, which was in NF. Both attacks were successfully defended by NF. This created some enmity between Ajeje and NF.

After some geopolitics, in January 2021, NF and LBA planned a massive attack on Impervm, Chaos and G20 in Africa and South Asia. We grabbed the opportunity with both hands and we performed like one single team. Curry and some of the allies took care of the fronts in India. War ended up in favour of NF/LBA. Curry got around 20 regions in India for its contribution in war and also joined NF.

Democracy Era (Early 2021)

In this period, we focused on farming by giving governor positions, rotating presidential positions, and others. Our political situation was normal in this era.

UF Era (Mid 2021)

UF, the bloc formed by Hayata and many Turks. They attacked Endochi's CoC bloc and completely crushed them to the ashes. In this war, Curry tried its best to defend Endochi's bloc as a member of NF. Curry topped the damage in most of the fronts. This infuriated Turks in UF especially Karagrah party and resolved to take revenge on Curry. At this point of time, UF bloc was like waging wars and never lose single one. They expanded their territories so fast.

But everything went fine for curry until NF disbanded citing some internal drama, decided to form a new bloc "No Farmers No Drama" (NFND) restricting itself to North America and few European regions.

New Block Era (July 2021 - Oct 2021)

After that, Curry tried to enter some other block, but was refused by all saying "U have unresolved issues with Turks". Finally, on July 29, 2021, Curry decided to establish a new block, Asian Federation.

A few hours after the release of the article about the establishment of a new block, one of the former NF members Majapahit (a faction of Indonesians) switched sides to Turks (Oceania Unity 2.0 bloc), keeping the old grudge between Indonesians. So finally Turks got a region to open front on Curry. The betrayal was accompanied by attacking one of the member states of AF in Indonesia. Knowing about the inevitable war we decided to burn our regions first as Curry can't stand alone against the might of Turks. Delayed attacking time in Malaysia as much as possible.

Not long after our decision to withdraw from Indonesia, here comes the great turn of events. While looting our own regions, we made Malaysia independent. Seeing an independent region bordering Turks, Italians came there, who also had problems with Turks and wanted to crush them. Italians wanted Curry to jointly attack Turks, Curry leader council decided to give it a try. The date Aug 20th, 2021 was fixed to open front on Borneo (which was with Turks then). The mission is to return to Indonesia and invade Ankara began. At first, Curry's aim was not to win the front but show case the full strength of Curry Gang. Fortunately, with the help of our allies such as Italians, DOM, CC, VVV, NFND we won that front. 1st front link: Then we conquered the whole Indonesia and continued to invade Oceania to wipe off Turks from there. Using this opportunity, DOM also opened on OU2.0 regions from Australia.

In early September, the situation in Oceania began to improve, the Allies had taken over Turkish territory in Oceania. Victory has already begun to be seen when Turkey has been besieged in several areas of the Middle East and Ankara too. Meanwhile, the Allies have controlled several mainland areas of Turkey (such as Istanbul, Konya, Van, etc.) as well as other Middle Eastern regions (such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Arabia, etc.).

Finally in mid-September, the Allies and Turkey made peace. Curry also reclaimed all of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. This peace will last for three months. But, the peace did not last long. Turkey is looking for trouble again, this time they are allied with the grass block.

New Babyboom Era (Nov 2021 - Now)

At first, Asia did not really get involved in the war. However, after Turkey took over Naoufal's Tokyo region by means of a coup. After that, we agreed to help GBS and allies to expel Turkey from the Asia-Pacific region.

In this era, we don't only focus on politics, but also focus on taking care of newbies. There are many newbies in this era, that's why we call it the "new Babyboom".

Newbies under Kamlesh Rana are well guided in this era, they are led directly by one of the curry leaders, MPK Praveen. They also succeeded in establishing a state in Afghanistan with help from MPK.

After all the baby booms were over, it was just Kamlesh Rana who stayed in the game. All others just left. We got 1 active player from more than 1000 newbies who joined.

Source :


MPK Praveen
