The highest speed you will see is the maximum speed that your connection and the server's connection can offer. If your connection is 512KB and the place where you are downloading is 400KB, your max connection will be 400KB because it is the max for the server you are downloading from.

You need to have at least 4 or 5 different testing sources to have a more accurate speed. Never test only from the same site as this can be affected by your distance to it, any problem in the server and the connections to it, etc. Always test from different servers.

Curl Download Speed Test


In the image, the -x 4 is how many parallel connections we wish to use. The CN parameter in the next line shows how many active parallel connections were permitted to download from that site. In this case CN is 4. But if we tried to have more connections we would get something like this:

We set 8 parallel connections but the site only allowed a maximum of 5 as shown by CN:5. This could be solved by the -j option which tells aria2c the maximum concurrent connections we want (Which by default is 5) but if the server has limited this, -j will not work.

You can also change the --progress=dot:mega part to --progress=dot:default, --progress=dot:binary, --progress=dot:mega and --progress=dot:giga; this setting helps you see how fast the download is going, and preserve more than a single reading over the whole duration of the download, which is helpful for when you need to share the results with someone, or just save it for your own records as a sort of a graph.

Actually, Ookla, the provider of Speedtest released a command-line utility that is measuring your speed against a huge number of servers spread around the world. You can find instructions on how to install it on this link and you can use it fairly simple by executing:

where -s sets the server ID against which you want to test your Internet speed, -f is defining the format of the output. I think the most useful information is generated when you use json/json-pretty format for the output because a lot of the information of the test setup isn't printed if you are using the csv/tsv format. Both -s and -f are just optional but if you want to automate your measurement they might be useful.

It's a more generic solution that can be consumed by other applications. I managed to pinpoint an ISP network issue with it that resulted in doubling my SFTP downstream speed, which resulted in increased happiness.

After all, a slight reduction in speed now could lead to a much larger reduction later. And with the competition constantly improving and evolving, your company cannot take a chance that those slowdowns will turn into a much bigger problem.

At the end of the script, we direct the output to the file webspeedtest that appends the date and time to the end of the filename. By doing this, we not only have a file to view the test results of that instance, but we have a file for every instance the test is run, so you can compare results.

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Checking your internet speed is important to ensure that you are getting the speeds that you are paying for. In this guide, we will show you how to check your internet speed using Linux command lines.

There are several ways to check your internet speed using Linux command lines. The speedtest-cli command is a simple way to check your internet speed, while the curl command can be used to measure both download and upload speeds. I hope this guide has helped you to understand how to check your internet speed on a Linux system.

It is important to run this cURL test from a test machine from within the corporate network (LAN) as well as running the same test on a test machine on the DMZ or outside any firewalls. This information will help you to compare the download speeds when going through the proxy on a Test Machine (Corporate Network) vs.Test Machine (DMZ).

You can use the original speedtest CLI utility from ookla. The one shipped with nethserver is an opensource one (there was some discussion about using or not using the one from ookla due to its license).

You can override the OS detection by setting os= and dist= prior to running this script.

You can find a list of supported OSes and distributions on our website: packagecloud Documentation - Documentation for the Command-Line Interface (CLI) and automation tools

Also, I have Nethserver installed on a small fanless system manufactured by Qotom, a Chinese company, that has an INtel i7 4600 CPU with 4 cores, and two built-in Realtek RTL8111E Gigabit Ethernet controllers, and a Fenvi 2.5GbE USB adapter, which has a RealTek chip. This USB adapter worked by just plugging it in, and I made no config changes. I am using this with a Technicolor-manufactured Cable Modem router model XB7, branded by Xfinity. This modem has a 2.5G Ethernet port, which is connected to the Qoton system.

Running Speedtest from command line on the Netserver system routinely measures greater than 900 Mbps download, with a peak of about 1050 Mbps (even while running a video streams on two Rokus while testing)

Some interloper wrote to this thread who was suspended for SPAM, but since they raised an issue claiming the CLI speedtest uses one server, and the portal uses more than one, I can report the following:

I have a desktop with GE NIC running Windows 11, connected to the NethServer through a couple of GE switches, and one link is an RG6 coax cable with two DOCA connecters. DOCA connectors are rated at 2.5G, but both ends are connected to GE switches, so they run at GE.

The Tele2 Speedtest Service helps you test your Internet connection speed through various methods and is available not only to customers of Tele2 but anyone with an Internet connection. Test your connection using's tool, downloading a file via your web browser (HTTP) or downloading and uploading via FTP.

Speedtest is run on a number of fast servers in locations throughout Europe connected to Tele2's international IP core network with 10GE. The address is anycasted, meaning that you should automatically be served by the server closest (network wise) to your location. Read more about the technical details of this service.

In addition to the files offered here via HTTP, there is also an FTP server setup to serve files, you'll reach it at You can upload files to /upload. Uploaded files will be automatically removed as soon as the upload is complete. is an easy to use web-based (Flash) test to test both upload and download speeds as well as latency to any of a long list of servers around the world. Tele2 Speedtest servers runs a server. Go to to test your connection. This server (xxx-SPEEDTEST-1) will automatically be picked for you. After the test you can choose a another server and location to perform further testing.

This page and the listed speedtest services are hosted on a number of servers spread through Europe (see locations). Each location consists of a 1U Supermicro server with an octacore Xeon E3-1240 V2 running at 3.4GHz, 32GB of RAM and an Intel 10GE NIC (82579LM chip). Debian Linux is the operating system used, nginx for serving web pages and sparse files via HTTP and vsftpd is used for FTP. A small script called cleandir is used to clean the upload directory of the FTP server to avoid filling the file system with temporary uploaded files.

Anycasting is a technique where a single IP address is used in multiple locations in a network and packets are sent to the closest server. Tele2 speedtest service utilizes this to send you to the closest location in our network. Do note how "closest" is not measured geographically but rather by what our networks thinks is the closest location. Our primary network metric is latency and therefore the closest network distance is typically the closest node geographically but there are situations where ineffecient fiber routing or cuts could lead to you being served by a node further away. In addition to simply serving users using the closest server, anycast also enables basic load balancing and redundancy as users in different areas are served by their closest server, spreading the load over all of our installations. If a server should fail, users would be served by the second closest server.

This is a fairly simple trick to check download speeds using the official SpeedTest servers, making it a quick and effect means to check an active internet connection. There are two ways to use this, one utilizing curl, the other uses wget.

The first trick is to use curl, which is able to download remote files from just about anywhere, retrieve headers, and perform tons of other nifty actions. Curl is bundled with every version of Unix and OS X ever made which makes this a nearly universal command to test download speeds on just about any unix-based computer:

This uses the same SpeedTest servers that are available to mobile users through the Speed Test app, it can make for a decent way to directly compare connection speeds on a broadband connection vs cellular, without having to access the SpeedTest Flash-based web apps, and without having to compile any additional command line software.

curl and pacman ALWAYS get +20MB/sec, while wget and firefox ALWAYS get the speeds mentioned.

An interesting thing is that after testing it sometimes, wget/firefox dl speeds seem to alternate between up to 11.5MB/sec and up to 500KB/sec.

I should mention that I'm using an extremely light wm (evilwm) and that these things happen even on console, so it isn't a question of wm bloat slowing down the dl speeds.

I've also stopped testing using that server constantly to avoid abusing it. 152ee80cbc

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