which appends the output of the command to a log file and also echo's it to stdout. The test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 part makes it so that the exit status of this line (which is in a bash script) is the same exit code that the curl command returned and not the exit status of the tee command (necessary because tee is actually the last command being executed in this line, not curl).

The issue is that curl hides the progress bar/meter, when a server response is expected, which is then written into stdout.So basically you can redirect the output to a file to show the bar again. However we do not want that, so we can do this:

Curl Download Show Speed

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y68NU 🔥

Note that the curl devs of course did not hide the progress bar for fun. In this case here you may not always see the server result or it may only be shown a few seconds (as the progress bar is shown again afterwards), but if you do not care about this, the solution is a nice one.

The highest speed you will see is the maximum speed that your connection and the server's connection can offer. If your connection is 512KB and the place where you are downloading is 400KB, your max connection will be 400KB because it is the max for the server you are downloading from.

You need to have at least 4 or 5 different testing sources to have a more accurate speed. Never test only from the same site as this can be affected by your distance to it, any problem in the server and the connections to it, etc. Always test from different servers.

In the image, the -x 4 is how many parallel connections we wish to use. The CN parameter in the next line shows how many active parallel connections were permitted to download from that site. In this case CN is 4. But if we tried to have more connections we would get something like this:

We set 8 parallel connections but the site only allowed a maximum of 5 as shown by CN:5. This could be solved by the -j option which tells aria2c the maximum concurrent connections we want (Which by default is 5) but if the server has limited this, -j will not work.

Actually, Ookla, the provider of Speedtest released a command-line utility that is measuring your speed against a huge number of servers spread around the world. You can find instructions on how to install it on this link and you can use it fairly simple by executing:

where -s sets the server ID against which you want to test your Internet speed, -f is defining the format of the output. I think the most useful information is generated when you use json/json-pretty format for the output because a lot of the information of the test setup isn't printed if you are using the csv/tsv format. Both -s and -f are just optional but if you want to automate your measurement they might be useful.

It's a more generic solution that can be consumed by other applications. I managed to pinpoint an ISP network issue with it that resulted in doubling my SFTP downstream speed, which resulted in increased happiness.

I figure it's "good enough"...spot tests have shown it to be pretty close, but I want to make sure. Also, is the second-by-second current rate over the last second? I am assuming so, although the manuals seem somewhat unclear about this.

Now look at the sniffer trace analytical summary of the first and second second of this stream against the entire stream in pictures below: (Difference between these values and curl's status output is indeed remarkable)

I believe this does prove the point that what curl reports isn't what you'd call accurate but does serve the purpose more or less. The average values that it reports are averaged over past 5 seconds from fifth second onwards and even the average calculation isn't precise.

This progress meter is written to stderr and if you were to redirect both stderr and stdout to afile and then run tail -f on that file, you would see the exact same progress meter being updatedonce per second, with no running log of download speed. The reason that this output updates inplace is because the program is writing a carriage return \r at the end of the progress lineinstead of a newline \n. This causes the cursor to return to the beginning of the line withoutadvancing.

With the knowledge of how this operates, it is possible to alter the output of the cURL command tosave the per-second speed of a download. If you further send the results of a large file downloadto /dev/null, then you have a reasonable approximation of of a speedtest tool and you can graphthe download speed over time. The command below uses tr to rewrite carriage returns as newlinesin an unbuffered manner, so that data is instantly available in the output file.

curl (short for "Client URL") is a command line tool that enables data transfer over various network protocols. It communicates with a web or application server by specifying a relevant URL and the data that need to be sent or received.

curl is powered by libcurl, a portable client-side URL transfer library. You can use it directly on the command line or include it in a script. The most common use cases for curl are:

curl accepts a wide array of options, which makes it an extremely versatile command. Options start with one or two dashes. If they do not require additional values, the single-dash options can be written together. For example, the command that utilizes the -O, -L, and -v options can be written as:

It is important to run this cURL test from a test machine from within the corporate network (LAN) as well as running the same test on a test machine on the DMZ or outside any firewalls. This information will help you to compare the download speeds when going through the proxy on a Test Machine (Corporate Network) vs.Test Machine (DMZ).

When considering website performance, the term TTFB - time to first byte - crops up regularly. Often we see measurements from cURL and Chrome, and this article will show what timings those tools can produce, including time to first byte, and discuss whether this is the measurement you are really looking for.

As you can see, the overhang on the side behind the nozzle curves up, while the front overhang (which is identical) doesn't.

If you print the long (snake coil) version, you will see the curling happening more on the right side of the printer, and less on the left, and more on the back side of the print, than at the front.

I can get the snake to print, If I reduce the printing speed to 50% (during print, reduce speed with the dial on the printer)

I tied various other things, like higher and lower filament and bed temperatures. 100% fan speed, reducing extrusion modifier, etc.

Could someone try to print the Snake_coil.stl from above link in PLA, and tell me if they can get it to print with default settings? Its no a very long print, and the curling shows up at about 30% into the print, maybe 30-40 minutes at default 0.2mm.

Now, I can confirm that minimum layer time / slow down helps when you run into inefficient cooling problems - which seems at least in part responsible for curling as well. But in the end, what worked consistently for me personally with PLA curling was layer height and 100% fan speed. Sometimes thicker layers, sometimes (with steep overhangs) smaller layers. And some PLA tends to curl more than others.

So I recently ran into this same problem, and Peter has it right, though a typo makes it a bit unclear :). (Cool vs curl).

Moderator edit: the post containing this error has now been corrected. Thanks metacollin! Peter

I've been trying to address this same issue since I first built my MK3. I can get relatively good results with 0.15mm layer heights. Below that, the corners start to curl up if they are at an overhang or when they are a sharp turn like the OP mentioned. I have literally tried everything beneath the sun with settings in slicer, but to no avail. I have been trying to print the 'Treefrog' with layer height 0.1mm, 0.09mm, 0.08mm, 0.07mm , 0.06mm or 0.05mm, but with every PLA or ABS or PETG or whatever fancy co-polymer, the corners and overhangs always curled up. I have a whole army of frog legs and bellies, the front legs are always curled and rippled badly and the belly is always scuffed, no matter what heat or speed or cooling or tricks. I tried the E3D silicone nozzle sleeve, also not much difference.

I hope this information might help a lonesome PLA curling warrior out there on his endless battle. For me, the airbrush nozzle has now allowed me to print at any layer height, with any PLA with any temperature, without any curling on sharp corners or overhangs!

Well I'm using a Ender 3 so i don't know if this is going to help you. I have the same issue with the curling on overhang and if it does have to do with insufficient cooling maybe this will work, I don't know if something like this exist for a Prusa but this could be a solution

I should mention that minus this curling problem my prints are otherwise perfect. No first layer issues, no other quality issues, so I don't think the problem is something related to poor calibration.

This is a fairly simple trick to check download speeds using the official SpeedTest servers, making it a quick and effect means to check an active internet connection. There are two ways to use this, one utilizing curl, the other uses wget.

The first trick is to use curl, which is able to download remote files from just about anywhere, retrieve headers, and perform tons of other nifty actions. Curl is bundled with every version of Unix and OS X ever made which makes this a nearly universal command to test download speeds on just about any unix-based computer:

This uses the same SpeedTest servers that are available to mobile users through the Speed Test app, it can make for a decent way to directly compare connection speeds on a broadband connection vs cellular, without having to access the SpeedTest Flash-based web apps, and without having to compile any additional command line software. 17dc91bb1f

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