Set maximum number of redirection-followings allowed. If -L, --location is used, this option can be used to prevent curl from following redirections "in absurdum". By default, the limit is set to 50 redirections. Set this option to -1 to make it limitless. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used.

When sending an HTTP request with [.inline-code]curl[.inline-code], the server may respond with an HTTP 3XX (e.g. 300, 301, 302), indicating that the requested resource has been moved to a different location (i.e. URL). This new location can be found in the [.inline-code]Location[.inline-code] header of the response.

Curl Download File 302 Redirect


A poorly configured server has the potential to cause [.inline-code]curl[.inline-code] to get stuck in an infinite loop by sending back a response that redirects to the same URL. To avoid this, you can use the [.inline-code]--max-redirs[.inline-code] flag to limit the number of redirects curl follows:

If you want to also print the redirects, you can do so by logging the request and response headers while in the process of being redirected. Combine [.inline-code]curl[.inline-code] with the [.inline-code]-v[.inline-code] flag (short for [.inline-code]--verbose[.inline-code]) as follows:

Note that when [.inline-code]curl[.inline-code] follows an HTTP 301, 302, or 303 redirect, and the original request method is not a plain GET (e.g. it is a POST or PUT), the ensuing requests will automatically be converted into a GET, which means that the original body of the request will not be passed along.

An HTTP 301 redirect indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to the URL specified in the [.inline-code]Location[.inline-code] header of the response. This redirect is often used when a website or API is redesigned or restructured, and some of its URLs have changed.

An HTTP 302 redirect, on the other hand, indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to the URL specified in the [.inline-code]Location[.inline-code] header of the response. This redirect is often used when a website or API is undergoing short-term changes, such as maintenance operations.

When performing an authentication with curl, the provided credentials will not be forwarded alongside the request if a redirect takes curl to a different host than the initial one. To bypass this behavior, you can use the [.inline-code]--location-trusted[.inline-code] flag as follows:

I'm still having problems when trying to write onto web HDFS (hadoop) from a PHP script. If I make a PUT request passing CREATE as a parameter, it will provide me a 307 temporary redirect, so i'd need to make a second PUT request to the new URL provided. I'm not able to follow it or at least slipt the redirect URL from the HTTP Response. Could you please help me with it?

Does your request not have a body? I wonder if that messes things up. You may want to PUT an empty string instead of nothing at all, because curl may fall back to 'GET' behavior (although with a PUT method).

i am doing an request using Advanced REST Client and i find some redirects (not cached) , but i get the actual response. But when i try the same using PHP curl it doesnt work , i dont get the output , but the redirected output is displayed.

I am trying to post data using curl.After posting I would like to go to the url.In other words I am trying to get same functionality as we get with form method="post" and action="someurl.php" .How to do this?Thanks in advance.

The big gotcha with using header() is that your entire php script must output absolutely nothing prior to calling header(), not a white space nor line end, nothing. If you have error_reporting turned on and PHP throws even a non-critical warning then this is output to the browser and you will get a nasty error message instead of a redirect.

From those results I think you are correct in saying the serverside confiugration needs to be looked at. The http webserver on port 1080 is redirecting you to a https website which should not be happening for starters.

I understand that you're Jira server site is integrated with an SSO. However when you are trying to make a REST API call in this manner (using the -u switch in curl), your authentication request is being redirected to the SSO service in order to try to pass your username and API token there. That likely will not work because the SSO provided does not know what your token is.

I just want to share my quick solution for checking HTTP sites (with perfdata) for proper HTTP/2 support and for sites that redirect with required cookies (e.g. PHPSESSID) using a Classical active and passive Monitoring check with the curl command line tool:

I do not want to pipe the status to some_other_command, I was just wondering how it was able to display the status. However, showing how to redirect both streams added to the answer, so don't remove that.

There are two output streams generally available: standard output, and standard error. In practice, when running in a terminal, both send data to the terminal. > only redirects standard output, and curl prints the progress data to standard error. To suppress both, use one of:

If the redirect is happening via PHP, you could detect this by comparing where the browser is going vs. where it's actually going. There are a bunch of ways to do this with Python, JS, etc. One project which may be interesting to you is phantomjs, a scriptable headless browser.

Now we are (sometimes) getting a 302, but when I trycurl --netrc -s -D - _limit_status.xmlGave me a 302 with a Location of: _limit_status.xml?c73f7db0but when I triedcurl --netrc -s -D - ' _limit_status.xml?c73f7db0'it seemed to want to redirect me to _limit_status.xmlIf "accepting 30x" is a requirement now, I'd like some advice on how to do so.TjL

Unfortunately this 302 business will completely goof OAuth calls.If you are able to programmatically see that you are getting these

redirects, try calling the account/rate_limit_status call [1] (it

could be any call, but this one is "free" and is a GET). You should

still get a 302 (I'm pretty sure). Then if you jump through the

redirect hoops with this call, it should clear you from more 302's for

a while.I'm out today, but if someone could try this and report back if it

works that would be helpful.[1] -REST-API-Method%3A-account%C2%A0rate_limit_statusThanks,


I should be doingcurl --location --referer ";auto" --netrc -s -D -

 _limit_status.xml(where " _limit_status.xml" is just one example)TjLps - I'm not doing this through PHP, it's all on the commandline

It's extremely common for HTTP servers to return a 301 or 302 redirect for a given URL. One common example of this is to redirect your browser from an HTTP URL to HTTPS, like to Using cURL, we can see what this redirect actually looks like:

When used in Bash scripts or running cURL via the command line manually, you wouldn't want to have to handle these redirects manually, otherwise it could add a lot of unnecessary logic to your script. Because of this, cURL offers a command line flag that tells it to automatically follow the redirect and return the resolved endpoint and its data:

And what if two URLs continuously redirect to each other? Then you'd be stuck in an infinite loop of redirect. cURL has a way to handle this by enforcing a maximum number of redirects it will follow, which defaults to 50. Using the --max-redirs option you can set this number to whatever suits your use-case best.

302 indicates that the file moved temporarily. The 302 message should include a redirect to where the file has been moved temporarily. This might be done to keep the file available while performing maintenance on the primary site. Web browsers will follow the redirect, but will not cache the file from the temporary location (I think). Future attempts to retrieve the file will go back to the original location.

My guess is that curl and wget do not automatically follow the redirect, but will return the headers and let you figure out what to do about it. I would look at the documentation for those programs. I have not, and I am off to a meeting, so I shan't do it now

Maybe I missed something, but as I told in my first post, I've tried to follow redirections as well. Wget follows redirections by default, while curl needs to be called with the -L option.

Oddly enough, the redirection is toward the main page, not the file.

Clicking on either of those via a browser initiates the download. But if you copy and paste any of those links in the browser, you are redirected to the home page. I can see that it does not depend on cookies.

Somewhere someone's complaining about a redirecting URL that's not going where it's supposed to. Or maybe the URL is hopping too many times and it's affecting SEO. Using cURL on the command line is a quick and clear way to see where a URL is redirecting to and how it's getting there.

When viewing this in the web browser we don't see a problem, the target redirects to the destination. But we request the target URL with cURL, we'll see there are several extra redirects between the two.

So even though the target is ultimately redirecting to the intended destination, there are two extra hops that need to be eliminated. We want to remove these for both SEO purposes and also just in the interest of keeping the system configuration clean.

This is relevant to my issue but I do not understand what the solution for it is. I have tried multiple methods in which the trailing slash can be removed but ends with the page not being found at all, the solution is to revert back to no redirects at all. But that still dosent answer my question that I asked about having the trailing slash being added to the url and not without the trailing slash

And then: once I had made that decision and I released curl for the first time on March 20, 1998: the call was made. The default was set. I will not change a default and hurt millions of users. I rather continue to be questioned by newcomers, but now at least I can point to this blog post! ? e24fc04721

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