CUPID'S ARROW by Susan English is an exciting feminist sci-fi where A woman aims to resurrect extinct species and locate a lost love. Check out what Tucker Lieberman of IBR has to say about this indie author novel.

In classical mythology, Cupid /kjupd/ (Latin: Cupd [kpido], meaning "passionate desire") is the god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. He is often portrayed as the son of the love goddess Venus and the god of war Mars. He is also known as Amor /mr/ (Latin: Amor, "love"). His Greek counterpart is Eros.[1]Although Eros is generally portrayed as a slender winged youth in Classical Greek art, during the Hellenistic period, he was increasingly portrayed as a chubby boy. During this time, his iconography acquired the bow and arrow that represent his source of power: a person, or even a deity, who is shot by Cupid's arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire. In myths, Cupid is a minor character who serves mostly to set the plot in motion. He is a main character only in the tale of Cupid and Psyche, when wounded by his own weapons, he experiences the ordeal of love. Although other extended stories are not told about him, his tradition is rich in poetic themes and visual scenarios, such as "Love conquers all" and the retaliatory punishment or torture of Cupid.

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In Botticelli's Allegory of Spring (1482), also known by its Italian title La Primavera, Cupid is shown blindfolded while shooting his arrow, positioned above the central figure of Venus.[19]

Cupid carries two kinds of arrows, or darts, one with a sharp golden point, and the other with a blunt tip of lead. A person wounded by the golden arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire, but the one struck by the lead feels aversion and desires only to flee. The use of these arrows is described by the Latin poet Ovid in the first book of his Metamorphoses. When Apollo taunts Cupid as the lesser archer, Cupid shoots him with the golden arrow, but strikes the object of his desire, the nymph Daphne, with the lead. Trapped by Apollo's unwanted advances, Daphne prays to her father, the river god Peneus, who turns her into a laurel, the tree sacred to Apollo. It is the first of several unsuccessful or tragic love affairs for Apollo.[22] This theme is somewhat mirrored in the story of Echo and Narcissus, as the goddess Juno forces the nymph Echo's love upon Narcissus, who is cursed by the goddess Nemesis to be self absorbed and unresponsive to her desires. [23]

A variation is found in The Kingis Quair, a 15th-century poem attributed to James I of Scotland, in which Cupid has three arrows: gold, for a gentle "smiting" that is easily cured; the more compelling silver; and steel, for a love-wound that never heals.[24]

To adapt myths for Christian use, medieval mythographers interpreted them morally. In this view, Cupid is seen as a "demon of fornication".[39] The innovative Theodulf of Orleans, who wrote during the reign of Charlemagne, reinterpreted Cupid as a seductive but malicious figure who exploits desire to draw people into an allegorical underworld of vice.[40] To Theodulf, Cupid's quiver symbolized his depraved mind, his bow trickery, his arrows poison, and his torch burning passion. It was appropriate to portray him naked, so as not to conceal his deception and evil.[41] This conception largely followed his attachments to lust, but would later be diluted as many Christians embraced Cupid as a symbolic representation of love.

In the poetry of Giambattista Marino (d. 1625), the image of Cupid or Amore sleeping represents the indolence of Love in the lap of Idleness. A madrigal by his literary rival Gaspare Murtola exhorted artists to paint the theme. A catalogue of works from antiquity collected by the Mattei family, patrons of Caravaggio, included sketches of sleeping cupids based on sculpture from the Temple of Venus Erycina[disambiguation needed] in Rome. Caravaggio, whose works Murtola is known for describing, took up the challenge with his 1608 Sleeping Cupid, a disturbing depiction of an unhealthy, immobilized child with "jaundiced skin, flushed cheeks, bluish lips and ears, the emaciated chest and swollen belly, the wasted muscles and inflamed joints". The model is thought to have suffered from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.[48] Caravaggio's sleeping Cupid was reconceived in fresco by Giovanni da San Giovanni, and the subject recurred throughout Roman and Italian work of the period.[49]

As a winged figure, Cupido shared some characteristics with the goddess Victoria.[64] On coinage issued by Sulla the dictator, Cupid bears the palm branch, the most common attribute of Victory.[65] "Desire" in Roman culture[66] was often attached to power as well as to erotic attraction. Roman historians criticize cupido gloriae, "desire for glory", and cupido imperii, "desire for ruling power".[67] In Latin philosophical discourse, cupido is the equivalent of Greek pothos, a focus of reflections on the meaning and burden of desire. In depicting the "pious love" (amor pius) of Nisus and Euryalus in the Aeneid, Vergil has Nisus wonder:

In Lucretius' physics of sex, cupido can represent human lust and an animal instinct to mate, but also the impulse of atoms to bond and form matter.[69] An association of sex and violence is found in the erotic fascination for gladiators, who often had sexualized names such as Cupido.[70]

Cupid was the enemy of chastity, and the poet Ovid opposes him to Diana, the virgin goddess of the hunt who likewise carries a bow but who hates Cupid's passion-provoking arrows.[71] Cupid is also at odds with Apollo, the archer-brother of Diana and patron of poetic inspiration whose love affairs almost always end disastrously. Ovid blames Cupid for causing him to write love poetry instead of the more respectable epic.[72]

The story of Cupid and Psyche appears in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC, but the most extended literary source of the tale is the Latin novel Metamorphoses, also known as The Golden Ass, by Apuleius (2nd century AD). It concerns the overcoming of obstacles to the love between Psyche ("Soul" or "Breath of Life") and Cupid, and their ultimate union in marriage.

The story's Neoplatonic elements and allusions to mystery religions accommodate multiple interpretations,[73] and it has been analyzed as an allegory and in light of folktale, Mrchen or fairy tale, and myth.[74] Often presented as an allegory of love overcoming death, the story was a frequent source of imagery for Roman sarcophagi and other extant art of antiquity. Since the rediscovery of Apuleius's novel in the Renaissance, the reception of Cupid and Psyche in the classical tradition has been extensive. The story has been retold in poetry, drama, and opera, and depicted widely in painting, sculpture, and various media.[75] It has also played a role in popular culture as an example for "true love", and is commonly used in relation to the holiday Valentine's Day.

This abstract will discuss the Cupid's Arrow mission concept, a small atmospheric probe that would sample Venus' atmosphere to measure the concentrations of noble gases and their isotopic ratios. Noble gases in planetary atmospheres are tracers of geophysical evolution. They can provide information of processes driving atmospheric composition including original supply of volatiles from the solar nebula, delivery of volatiles by asteroids and comets, escape rate of planetary atmospheres, degassing of the interior, and the relative timing of these events in the planet's history. To date, planetary scientists have successfully made these measurements at Earth, Mars, Jupiter and a comet. However, our understanding of Venus' evolution given the elementary and isotopic pattern of noble gases and stable isotopes in its atmosphere, is today poorly known. Specifically, the concentrations of heavy noble gases (Kr, Xe) and their isotopes are mostly unknown, and our knowledge of light noble gases (He, Ne, Ar) is incomplete and imprecise. Cupid's Arrow addresses the Planetary Decadal Survey Goals for Venus, specifically, objective 1A, "How did the atmosphere of Venus form and evolve." Noble gases cannot be sensed remotely, and instead have to be measured in-situ. The Cupids Arrow concept is a small, highly integrated atmospheric probe that could be targeted to fly through the upper atmosphere, collect samples at an altitude below the homopause, then analyze them with a new miniaturized quadrapole ion trap mass spectrometer and transmit the results back to Earth. In this region, atmospheric gases are well-mixed, and samples are representative of their naturally occurring concentrations. The development of this concept has made considerable progress over the past couple of years. A number of technical challenges, including hypervelocity sample fractionation and the compact size of the probe have been addressed using novel techniques. Cupids Arrow will result in a new class of low cost planetary probes for studying other atmospheres such as Titan or Uranus. Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the members of the Cupids Arrow study team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The work described in this presentation was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The information provided about the Cupids Arrow mission concept is pre-decisional and is provided for planning and discussion purposes only.

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