
"Film your Darlings"

The unique thing about my project is the way it is perceived by the viewer. Without the VR-Glasses as a key it is unaccessible, and only when the viewer puts them on he is teleported into the small world of the insects, really feeling like he or she is a part of it. Finally there is also a metaphor that can be found in the concept of the project, as we as humans hold the safety of the insects' world in our hands like the viewer holds the key to the visualization and therefore understanding of the world of insects in his hands in the form of the VR-Glasses.


The unique thing about my project is the way it is perceived by the viewer. Without the VR-Glasses as a key it is unaccessible, and only when the viewer puts them on he is teleported into the small world of the insects, really feeling like he or she is a part of it. Finally there is also a metaphor that can be found in the concept of the project, as we as humans hold the safety of the insects' world in our hands like the viewer holds the key to the visualization and therefore understanding of the world of insects in his hands in the form of the VR-Glasses.