
Encoded Identities

[Curated, transient, transmedia incident]

Project 'Encoded Identities' aims to contribute to the discourse about the nature of the Self, the identity and the privacy. It is a participatory transmedia experience with you as a visual subtext of your own narrative.

No cookies, no ip address tracking, no real photos being stored. YOU AND YOUR STORY.

Project website and the Instagram gallery will be deleted on 7th July at 7pm.

The only things that will remain are the art exhibition materials and our memory. Eventually, both will fade away, too.

Shut one eye

Peek into every corner of yourself

See that there are no nails no thieves

See that there are no cuckoo's eggs

Shut then the other eye

Squat and jump

Jump high high high

On top of yourself

Fall from there with all your weight

Fall for days on end deep deep deep

To the bottom of your abyss

Who doesn't break into pieces

Who remains whole gets up whole





[Vasko Popa, Before The Game]