

My main knowledge area is concerned with females in every sense, meaning their perception and perspective on all kinds of aspects. Most of my previous projects were issuing females, because I can directly relate to their emotional and psychological patterns. I can say that I have an affection to centre my work on femininity, due to the fact that I can identify myself with them, since I am also a female. This time, I was keen on investigating the time period of the transition from a young girl to a woman and all related aspects in emotional, as well as psychological terms.

The time period of post-adolescence is connected to experiencing all sorts of emotional and psychological changes that can lead to challenging or difficult circumstances, such as resistance, fear, innocence and even beauty. Generally, my subject is concerned with showing the female perspective of the anxiety and beauty of the transition from youth to adulthood, with all its challenges and resistance, through poetry

in contextual terms. By emphasizing the fear of this transition within the poems, I am basically creating a dreamy world/bubble I am currently in, which is in turn reflected through the visualization in the final work. The poems are instruments that express my feelings towards the indirect anxiety and concerns of that time period, but are also supposed to show how I stage the dreamy imagination contained within the poems. The poems reflect the interpretation of being young and adolescent, especially the emotional connections to letting loose of my youth and build the core of the context. Using poetic elements enables me to work on a personal basis, so that the poetry represents letters to myself that can even be interpreted as a monologue. My main intention is to create an atmosphere that not only females, but rather people in general can relate to. The topic should not only display a dream imagination, but also a part of me that is disappe- aring over time, which is related to the beauty and anxiety of the time period of the transition from a girl to a woman.

Moving to more subjective and participatory methods, I conducted an interview with a randomly selected girl. The interview was based on an assignment, within which we had to come up with a gesture that would improve the state of happiness or health of that person. My gesture was chosen, centered on the interview with the participant, in which I asked her about the things that make her happy and things that don‘t, especially about what makes her happy at the current stage of her life, compared to what made her happy during her youth, in order to elaborate on her youth. She stated that nostalgic Turkish movies from “Yesilcam”, which is a Turkish TV channel that is mainly showing these kinds of movies, make her happy and bring back old memories from her past.

I then decided to collect video material and linked of a selection of movies, in order to create a compressed Instagram post and tagged her on the post. Through this gesture, I emphasized my work with Instagram as a digital platform, for fostering the research behind my work.

The contextual aspect can be seen as a dreamy world or bubble I am currently in that is reflected by the visualization and due to the fact that multiple impressions shape my work, I try to exploit various sources simultaneously, in order to express my ideas and concepts, which I am also planning to do for my current project by using video arts and other media, such as installations or photography. Generally seen, every medium can be used in a different way and since I refer to myself as innovative artist I will be using video arts, as well as different media to create a new challenge and grow as an artist.

Since my project is in the beginning stages, I know the direction I would like to pursue, in contextual, as well as visual terms, but there is the possibility of changes and adjustments throughout the contextualization and elaboration phase.

One of the poem I have written, which I will also use for the telematic embrace

Telematic project