Declaration kit

Tools to announce your declaration

If you are one of those who has registered to declare, thank you for joining us! As the impacts of climate change are accelerating it is so vital that we face the truth, demand action, support each other and express solidarity with affected communities. The first wave of Declarations was launched on 3rd April. More events may follow, in which we can celebrate those who have declared. Until then, there is no need to wait. Here are some suggestions for making your own announcement.

Communicating with the world

  • Decide how you will communicate your decision and what you plan to do next.
  • Make sure you have produced a text that explains and confirms your declaration, and the particular contribution your practice or organisation can make. Here are some resources for writing it.
  • Here is a selection of kitemarks you can use to announce your declaration. (Please do not adapt the kitemark or create your own banner designs based on them without talking to us first.)
  • Create a news post online, using a kitemark and your version of a Declaration text
  • Make sure you include a link to this website to explain that this is part of the movement Culture Declares Emergency.
  • You could attach a kitemark to your email footer, or on your home page.
  • Post updates on social media using a kitemark and hashtag #CultureDeclaresEmergency. You could tag @CultureDeclares on Twitter.
  • Issue a press release and liaise with the Culture Declares Emergency press team on
  • If you hold an event, you could print out this 2 sided flyer or sashes and patches to pin on clothes. And you could print out this banner to carry on a procession or decorate a stage.
  • If you organise any public events using our branding, please let us know about your plans and any text that describes us before putting out your publicity.
  • Culture Declares Emergency will not co-host or support disruptive actions that target or confront individuals, cultural institutions or businesses without their knowledge and collaborative involvement.

Communicating with staff or supporters

If you are an organisation, one suggestion is to organise a breakfast discussion to explore what the emergency means for them, and how you might work together in response. Here are some ideas in our What to do next guide to support you.

Communicating with peers and your networks

One reason to declare is to encourage others in arts and culture, or in education or civic sectors, to declare too. You can arrange your own Culture Declares Emergency event wherever you are. This could be a creative event such as Letters to the Earth, or a debate or workshop where you invite others to join you. It's up to you. Please share your event e.g. use #CultureDeclaresEmergency and tag us on @CultureDeclares on Twitter.

Taking it further

This is a global movement, inclusive of all kinds of culture and creative practice. Under the banner of Culture Declares Emergency, you could organise:

  • a local or national group e.g. 'Culture Declares [your city]'
  • an initiative to encourage a particular form of practice or identity group to declare and respond e.g. 'Museums Declare'
  • a creative participatory project to raise awareness of the emergency and invite ideas.

Please encourage your network to register to declare using our form, and let us know what you plan to do, via and we can share it.