Success in CUL493

First Week Success

So you've looked over the resources, read some of these pages and you're ready for our course.

But, how are you going to ensure you start on a good foot?

  1. Explore Blackboard. Familiarize yourself with the course structure and where to find things.

  2. Introduce yourself!

  3. Review the first lecture, available via Blackboard.

  4. Complete our first discussion post.

That's it! Pretty easy, eh?

This video will introduce you to the course, how I use Blackboard, and give you some relevant details about the course.

Tips for Success Throughout the Semester

  • Stay up to date. If you fall behind on your assignments, reach out to me. I'm always happy to arrange alternate deadlines if you need help.

  • Reach out if you aren't understanding something. Email me and we can set up a time to meet.

  • Participate in the polls, discussions and knowledge checks. There are a variety of ungraded activities throughout the semester. If you do them, you'll get that much more from the course.

  • Use the Calendar Tool - In 'Course Information' you'll see a calendar tool. It has all our quizzes and assignments posted in it.

  • Every week I post a to-do list for that week - read it! It has all the tasks for the week.

Assignment and Quiz Success

  • Read the instructions carefully - it has all the information.

  • Reach out if something isn't clear.

  • Review the rubric, it's how I grade you.

  • Do the practice quizzes - they are very similar to the actual quizzes.

  • Give yourself extra time. Start early so that if something comes up, you don't need to rush through.

  • Edit your work! Review your answers! Don't lose grades for silly mistakes.

That's it! Follow these tips so that you can be as successful as possible!