Classroom grades, state test scores, online programs, behavioral data, and benchmark data. It’s all just too much to manage! Administration preparation programs due a great job of teaching us how to analyze and interpret data...they don’t do a good job at telling us how to manage our data. This lack of management leads to school administrators feeling overwhelmed and without the time they need to focus on what is important.

In this session, we will look at how school administrators can use Google Sheets to reduce the amount of time spent processing their data and increase the amount of time spent using their data.

Ryan Bradford is the Director of Technology and Integration for YPI Charter Schools. Ryan is passionate about bringing the fun back to education by using technology to enhance learning. Ryan believes that students should be using technology to innovate and create content, not just consume content. Ryan is one of the organizers of two local education conferences Playdate LA and edcampLAN and is the current President of the CUE Los Angeles Board of Directors. In addition to working in education, Ryan enjoys spending time with his wife Gina, his kids Ellie and Oliver, and dog Ash as well as learning and teaching no-gi jiu jitsu. You can find out more about Ryan by visiting his website (

