Top reasons why children should be allowed to play outdoors in their cubbies

Cubby House

Cubby House

Kids Cubby House

Kids that are smart always play outdoors in their cubby house. They play outdoors to become smarter. Experts have verified that kids need the time and freedom to play. It’s not just a luxury, but a necessity. It’s a job where kids are concerned. It’s a means of learning for them. When they get stuck indoors playing video games or watching TV, they aren’t utilizing their whole body and mind for unstructured creative, all-out play – the type that actually gets their tiny brains going.

But when they utilize their cubby in the backyard to sail their imagined high seas searching for treasures or dastardly pirates themselves, they are certainly becoming much smarter through play and they desire to play as they have a cubby in their backyard. So, why does outdoor play help kids to become smarter? There are several reasons, but here are the most crucial among them.

Outdoor play stimulates creativity

When your kids go outdoors, they see a lot of things they could play with and also use in creating fun. Rocks, sticks, as well as open spaces, are a castle and sword on one day and the forbidden forest and wizard wands on the next day. The outdoors is a place for their mind to imagine and wonder, bringing about the fullest use of their brains.

Outdoor play is open-ended

When your children are outdoors playing with their kids’ cubby, they do not have any rules that they must follow except the ones you give them and those they create from their imaginative play. Although you don’t wish that they should cross the road, they are quite okay with that as they are already sailing their imagined high seas in their cubby – the ocean does not feature any tarred roads.

Playing outdoors in nature decreases anxiety

Physiologically, the time spent outdoors decreases anxiety. In addition, being outdoors enjoying active play enables the body to utilize its energy in the healthiest manner, thus decreasing stress and providing your kids with the exercise that they require to get the most restful sleep possible. Getting sufficient sleep is certainly another means of decreasing stress.

Attention spans

Whether you believe it or not, outdoor play in an unstructured play environment has been verified to help in enhancing your children’s attention span for structured activities such as class work. And again, it also helps greatly in getting rid of energy that has been penned up. In addition, it allows children to practice concentration because they don’t have to spend lots of time to concentrate on their amazing outdoor adventures.

When your kids spend time outdoors communing with nature, they become aware of all patterns around them. The natural world is filled with all manners of patterns that are truly interesting. The veins of a leaf, the petals of a flower, and the bark of a tree are all wonderful patterns. Building patterns it a critical early mathematics skill and keeps being on through college science and math. Let your kids play outdoors with their cubby house, and they will certainly get to enjoy all of these benefits.