Call for papers

Information for Presenters

Paper Presentations

Paper presentations are scheduled for 30 minutes, which includes 10 minutes for questions. Paper sessions are organized with two to three related papers, and will be followed by a 30 minute general discussion about all papers in the session. Session chairs are responsible for introducing presenters and keeping time during presentations.

Each session room will be set up with a computer, screen, and projector. Presenters should bring their presentations saved to a flash drive and will have time to load it onto the computer before each paper session begins.

If you choose to have handouts available, we recommend bringing 40 copies.

Poster Presentations

Conference organizers will provide a 30x40 poster board for mounting and an easel. We will also provide tape and thumbtacks. Poster presenters will have a designated time to set up posters before the poster session begins. During the scheduled poster session, presenters are required to stand next to their posters. Posters can be taken down after the scheduled session is complete.

The Call for Papers is currently closed.


CUALHE 2019 is seeking proposals for paper presentations and posters on one of the following two strands:

  1. Assessment of academic literacy (reading/writing) across the curriculum. This strand invites papers that examine the assessment of student learning and L2 development within academic literacy across the curriculum. Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to, the assessment of the following:
      • English for academic purposes
      • Write-to-learn and/or read-to-write instruction
      • Genre-based pedagogy
      • Multiple literacies
      • Humanistic inquiry/humanities learning
  2. Standards-based learning outcomes. This strand seeks to examine the opportunities and challenges of standards-based learning outcomes assessment in postsecondary education. Relevant topics include standards setting, curricular and instructional design, uses and usefulness of preexisting standards, discipline-specific issues in the humanities and other disciplines.

CUALHE 2019 will also consider proposals that do not fit into these strands. Innovative work in useful language and humanities assessment could include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

      • Useful outcomes assessment at distinct points in education (e.g., first-year experience; completion of language requirement; major/minor requirements; graduate degrees/requirements)
      • Outcomes assessment of different abilities, knowledge, and dispositions, e.g.:
          • cultural (e.g., intercultural competence; historical knowledge)
          • humanistic (e.g., critical thinking; aesthetic capacity)
          • linguistic (e.g., proficiency; pragmatic/sociolinguistic competence)


Abstracts for paper presentations and posters must be submitted through the Google Form below. The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, May 10, 2019.


Proposals will be evaluated by a committee of peers based on the following criteria:

      • Relevance to the CUALHE 2019 themes and topics
      • Expectation of a novel, interesting contribution to knowledge/practice of useful assessment in language education
      • Clarity and evidence of a well-organized presentation

Notification of acceptance decisions will be made by July 2019.