Command Prompt shortcuts

If you use Command Prompt, these keyboard shortcuts will help to work a little more efficiently.

Keyboard shortcut Action

Ctrl + A Select all content of the current line.

Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy selected items to clipboard.

Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste content from clipboard.

Ctrl + M Starts mark mode.

Ctrl + Up arrow key Move the screen up one line.

Ctrl + Down arrow key Move screen down one line.

Ctrl + F Open search for Command Prompt.

Left or right arrow keys Move the cursor left or right in the current line.

Up or down arrow keys Cycle through the command history of the current session.

Page Up Move cursor one page up.

Page Down Move cursor one page down.

Ctrl + Home Scroll to the top of the console.

Ctrl + End Scroll to the bottom of the console.