Grading Policy


All grades are entered within weighted categories of Major / Minor based on Proficiency in the 3 modes of communication and 4 language skills:

Spanish 1 / Spanish 2 / Spanish 3 / Spanish 4






Culture / Language structures

AP Spanish Literature and Culture


As language learning is based on skills and not individual objectives that can be easily checked off,  students will be given the opportunity to improve their score within each skill category (interpretive, interpersonal, presentational) at the end of the quarter by means of a “skill recovery assessment”.  

Students who feel they can demonstrate a higher level of proficiency for any mode of communication than what is reflected in PowerSchools will be provided that opportunity at the END of the quarter.

More information will be provided at the END of the quarter.


Please check PowerSchools often for an accurate reflection of your performance and language proficiency, as well as to see what grading standards you have not demonstrated yet.  It will be updated every 2 weeks at the latest: 

What you'll see in PowerSchools...

score - standard has been demonstrated

0 + marked "missing" - the rest of the class has demonstrated the standard, but you have not.  Please see Sra. Tojo ASAP to demonstrate the standard.

blank - Sra. Tojo has not graded the standard yet

*Note that in PowerSchools you will see Grading STANDARDS and not individual assignments or assessments.  More information regarding the standards can be found on Canvas.

Late Work

Students are expected to turn in work by the announced due date. 

- If initial deadlines are missed, students have a 2-class grace period with no grade penalty to submit the work after the original due date; this will be known as the “Not Accepted After” (NAA) date and will be clarified for students when assignments are presented. 

- Assignments submitted AFTER the initial due date but BEFORE the NAA date will be designated in PowerSchool as “Late.” 

- Assignments submitted AFTER the NAA date and time are considered "missing" and will be provided with feedback and a grade of 50%, as determined by the PLC “Missing Work” policy. 

Missing assignments

The following assignments will be designated in PowerSchool as “Missing”: 

- Assignments submitted after the NAA date 

- Assignments submitted after teacher established makeup work deadlines due to absences 

- Assignments that have never been submitted at all 

    -  PLCs will determine the missing work policy for missing assignments and communicate those policies with students, guardians, and administrators. 

    - PLCs will determine the grade for missing assignments.  In World Languages a "missing" assignment will be a 0.

Final Exam - 20% of final grade