Sample Abstract 2

Challenges with the Sudoku units

Full Name1, Full Name2, Full Name3

School affiliation, address

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Short Abstract (in about 150 words):

While Sudoku is very interesting for students, we found some challenges in implementing some of the Sudoku units in the CT curriculum. We describe them here, as well as our efforts at overcoming them.

Section 1 Background (a running text covering the following questions)

Information on the school -- when established, number of students and grades. Gender ratio, socio-economic background of children attending school.

How many teachers in the school?

When did you start implementing CT ?

How many periods in a week?

How many teachers are involved in CT?

Sudoku implementation - Description of the units in the syllabus, and how they were implemented in class. (whether once or many times.)

Section 2 The challenges

A short account of the challenges faced,

  • In terms of student participation - whether all could do the puzzles, and what those who could not solve them did;

  • In terms of students' understanding -- whether they were simply repeating, or thinking about what they were doing;

  • In terms of variations -- use of letters rather than numbers, going from 4X4 to 6X6 to 9X9.

Do you think these are important, why ?

Any screenshots, photos are to go in to an appendix.

Section 3 The analysis

What were your expectations and how was the experience in relation to them?

Student response in terms of interest / learning?

Any comments on logistics and practice, anything another teacher trying this should keep in mind.

Do you think the material should be changed, and if yes, how?

Section 4 Conclusion

Summary remarks

Section 5 Bibliography / references (if any)

Appendix (if any)