Grant Details

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The 2020 grants have been awarded. Learn more about our COVID-19 FlexGrants winners here.


  • Must be a novel pediatric medical device or technology.

  • Medical devices must meet the FDA definition of a medical device.

  • Please be aware that there is new draft guidance regarding software as a medical device.

  • Development of novel drugs and chemical therapies will not be funded. Process improvement and innovations are also not eligible for funding. In addition, fetal devices / technologies (without other pediatric applications) will not be funded.

  • Projects must be a pediatric medical device or technology innovation that leads to improved patient experience, quality, outcomes, or efficiency.

  • Eligible projects must have clear achievable milestones for the funding period with specific metrics or deliverables.

  • Projects should be short in duration with funding intended to last no more than 12 months.

  • No indirect costs will be allowed.

Use of funds:

Funds may be used for the following:

  • Acquisition of equipment, materials and supplies

  • Animal studies

  • Prototype design and development

  • Design and usability studies

  • Consulting and contractor fees to cover regulatory assistance, business plan development, competitive analysis, reimbursement strategy, biostatistics, and prototype design

  • Research assistant and student time dedicated to the project

  • Software programming and development

  • Computer software and database purchases

  • Specialized, dedicated hardware

  • Project-specific administrative and project management resources may be funded where appropriate

Funds may not be used for:

  • Reimbursement of investigator and co-investigator time, salaries or benefits

  • Travel and conference fees

  • Patent costs or other legal fees

  • Marketing and sales