2024 Connecticut FFA 

Extemporaneous Public Speaking Leadership Development Event

To be held Saturday, June 1, 2023

Connecticut FFA rules adapted from the National FFA Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE Handbook


Students participating in the Extemporaneous Public Speaking Leadership Development Event showcase their agricultural knowledge and ability to think on their feet by giving a speech and answering questions with limited prep time.

During this event, participants choose three specific topics, selected at random from the pool of 18.  From the 3 chosen, a student selects the topic of their speech and has 30 minutes to prepare using five resources. Participants then present a four to six-minute speech on their topic followed by questions.

Three topics from each of the following categories will be in the pool of 18 topics:




Participants may have up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the 30 minute prep time to conduct online research. 

Contestants should bring their own laptop, phones are not permitted.


Each speech should be no less than four and no more than six minutes in length. 

An additional five minutes will be allowed for questions from the judges.