Conference Schedule

8:00 - 8:30 AM

Check-in Registration & Breakfast

8:30 - 8:45 AM

Opening Remarks

  • Sharon Prince-Yearwood, Senior Director, Career and Technical Education

  • Harini Venkatesh, Executive Director, Career and Technical Education

  • Leo Gordon, VP for Career and Technical Education High Schools, UFT

8:40- 8:50 AM

Welcome & Leadership Address

  • David Banks, Chancellor, New York City Department of Education

  • Michael Mulgrew, President, United Federation of Teachers

8:50 - 9:20 AM

Keynote Address

  • Dr. Heather Wathington, CEO of iMentor

Transition Break (9:20 - 9:35 AM)

Session 1: 9:35 AM - 10:50 AM (register for one only)

All workshops during Session 1 will start at 9:35 AM

Breakout 1

Reimagining Support for CTE Students with IEPs

Presenters: Laurie Barnes Holden, Borough Instructional Lead, Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support (DSISS); Audrey Mangan, Borough Instructional Lead, Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support (DSISS); Carolyn Peterson, Assistant Principal, The School of Cooperative Technical Education (Coop Tech) - Longwood Educational Campus

This session is designed to support CTE school teams in employing and implementing interdisciplinary and differentiated instructional strategies/interventions for Students with IEPs. The facilitator will lead participants through a coaching session centered around incorporating academic integration, Understanding by Design (UBD), and differentiation strategies.

Breakout 2

Establishing Quality Expectations for all Students

Presenter: Jaimie P. Cloud, President The Cloud Institute

This workshop will address the following questions through interactive learning experiences: What is the effect of explicit performance criteria on student achievement? What is the rubric for quality rubrics? Do our students know how to use rubrics, checklists, exemplars etc. effectively? How can we use student work samples to create rubrics and other forms of performance criteria with our students?

Breakout 3

Engaging the Private Sector in Career Connected Learning Experiences for Youth and Volunteers

Presenters: Daniel Lee, Senior Director of Program; Krista Njapa, Senior Director of Mentor Engagement; Grace Gallogly, Program Director; Scott Millstein, Executive Director, iMentor NYC; Olufemi Watson, Director of Program, iMentor NYC; Taylor Lewis, Senior Manager of Recruitment, iMentor NYC; Esterina Frangaj, EY; Sahra Dalfen, Reed Smith & iMentor NYC Advisory Board

This workshop will include four components: an overview of iMentor's impact and connection to career pathways & CTE efforts, two separate case studies around private sector engagement (one in-person at a partner school and one remote/virtual experience), and support for participants to begin crafting their approach when engaging the private sector.

Breakout 4

Exploring Careers through Authentic Project Based Learning

Presenter: Sarah Hugger Fiess, School Outreach Coordinator - Tech Valley High School, Albany

This workshop is designed to help educators plan projects that are rooted in authentic industry experiences. Participants will explore a range of projects connected to an individual content area and the kinds of business/industry partnerships that can be useful to ground student learning in "real work." Participants will evaluate projects that are "connected" and "disconnected" in their context, as they tackle meaningful skills.

Breakout 5

Establishing Strong Work-Based Learning Protocols

Presenter: Damiano Mastrandrea, CTE Director - Brooklyn STEAM Center

This workshop will break down the new guidelines regarding NYSED Work-Based Learning requirements, covering the spectrum of opportunity, recommended implementation steps, and resources to effectively document each opportunity. Participants will be able to build/revise their WBL Sequence to organize their plans within their career pathways for them to implement.

Breakout 6

What Does Student Success Mean to You?

Presenter: Claudine-Lonjé A. Williams, LMSW, Doctoral Candidate of Higher Postsecondary Education at Syracuse University's Higher Education Department

This workshop will help participants consider their definition of student success and engage in small and large group discussions. Participants will also discuss implications on their students and their work.

Breakout 7

CTE Program Approval and Quality: the Annual Self Study Process and Alignment to the NYSED Program Approval Application

Presenters: Omari Gay, Senior Director for CTE Program Approval and Quality; Kendell Samlal, Director for CTE Program Approval; Tanya Navas, Director for CTE Program Quality

This workshop will will walk participants through the annual self study process, demonstrate how this impacts program quality and relevance to labor market needs, and is aligned to program approval by reviewing the NYSED approval application.

Breakout 8

Reimagining Bold Futures for NYC Students through Work-Based Learning

Presenter: Don Applyrs, Ed.D., Managing Director, Network Expansion and NYC NAF Academies, NAF

This workshop will explore NAF's new innovations to reimagining Outcome-Driven Work-Based Learning including the use of NAF's Work-Based Learning Tracker and Impact Survey tools. These free tools are designed to ensure students are developing competencies aligned to Aspirations, Skills, and Connections. Additionally, attendees will be able to learn about exemplary NYC NAF academies and explore accesible NAF resources that can support their CTE programs.

Breakout 9

Engaging Students in CTE Classes

Presenter: Liz Gallo, CEO of WhyMaker CTE TAC Consultant

This workshop will explore strategies that will help get students engaged in your class! Learn what makes content engaging for students. Discuss practical ideas for doing engaging lessons to teach CTE concepts in your classes. Understand how your lesson plan affects student engagement.

Transition Break (10:50 - 11:00 AM)

Session 2: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM (register for one only)

All workshops during session 2 will start at 11:00 AM

Breakout 1

Make Your Passion Your Paycheck: Igniting Passion, Genius and Career Exploration

Presenter: Torrance Hampton, Founder of GFACTOR FILMS

This workshop is a challenge-based social emotional learning (SEL) career exploration session that aids educators with helping their students unpack their passion and activate their genius; ultimately creating alignment with their personal interests & career pathways, so work and play are one. The workshop is based on the book Genius Factor: Make Your Passion Your Paycheck by author Torrance Hampton and is designed to help educators accelerate success within their students while developing leadership qualities, college/career readiness, and transferable life skills.

Breakout 2

Exploring Careers through Authentic Project Based Learning

Presenter: Sarah Hugger Fiess, School Outreach Coordinator - Tech Valley High School, Albany

This workshop is designed to help educators plan projects that are rooted in authentic industry experiences. Participants will explore a range of projects connected to an individual content area and the kinds of business/industry partnerships that can be useful to ground student learning in "real work." Participants will evaluate projects that are "connected" and "disconnected" in their context, as they tackle meaningful skills.

Breakout 3

Establishing Strong Work-Based Learning Protocols

Presenter: Damiano Mastrandrea, CTE Director - Brooklyn STEAM Center

This workshop will break down the new guidelines regarding NYSED Work-Based Learning requirements, covering the spectrum of opportunity, recommended implementation steps, and resources to effectively document each opportunity. Participants will be able to build/revise their WBL Sequence to organize their plans within their career pathways for them to implement.

Breakout 4

Reimagining the Experience of Multilingual Learners in CTE

Presenter: Florence Dennis, Director of Career Readiness, Division of Multilingual Learners

This workshop will engage participants in an interactive dialogue on reimagining the experience of multilingual learners in Career and Technical Education programs. Participants will gain familiarity with the demographics of Multilingual and English Language Learners (ML/ELL), as well as the unique challenges they experience. We will explore ways to foster equitable high school recruitment and retention of multilingual learners in CTE programs, while creating opportunities for them to succeed. Together we will reimagine ways of enhancing the experience of multilingual learners in Career and Technical Education programs.

Breakout 5

Reimagining Support for CTE Students with IEPs

Presenters: Laurie Barnes Holden, Borough Instructional Lead, Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support (DSISS); Audrey Mangan, Borough Instructional Lead, Division of Specialized Instruction and Student Support (DSISS); Carolyn Peterson, Assistant Principal, The School of Cooperative Technical Education (Coop Tech) - Longwood Educational Campus

This session is designed to support CTE school teams in employing and implementing interdisciplinary and differentiated instructional strategies/interventions for Students with IEPs. The facilitator will lead participants through a coaching session centered around incorporating academic integration, Understanding by Design (UBD), and differentiation strategies.

Breakout 6

Engagement Strategies in the CTE Classroom

Presenter: Jeremy Abarno, Trainer for NY CTE TAC

This workshop will help educators articulate a research-driven framework for student engagement and high-impact engagement strategies related to the framework;. Participants will also practice applying three distinct engagement strategies by reviewing data and research and engaging in the actual classroom engagement strategies.

Breakout 7

Utilizing Data to Create Robust Cross-Curricular Instruction

Presenter: Dante Tawfeeq, PhD., Professor of Mathematics at John Jay College

This workshop will help participants envision ways of leveraging STEM education and data. Using an interdisciplinary approach, participants will be able to strengthen their curriculum and explore connections across multiple disciplines.

Breakout 8

CTE Program Approval and Quality: the Annual Self Study Process and Alignment to the NYSED Program Approval Application

Presenters: Omari Gay, Senior Director for CTE Program Approval and Quality; Kendell Samlal, Director for CTE Program Approval; Tanya Navas, Director for CTE Program Quality

This workshop will will walk participants through the annual self study process, demonstrate how this impacts program quality and relevance to labor market needs, and is aligned to program approval by reviewing the NYSED approval application.

Breakout 9

Culturally Responsive Instruction in CTE

Presenter: Tara Bellevue, Vice President Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA) Strategy, NAF

This workshop will reflect on a collaborative initiative focused on culturally responsive projects and/or activities with educators from across the network. Participants will review the co-designed project-based units around topics that have societal impact (environmentalism, sustainability & tourism and Artificial Intelligence). These authentic and contextualized projects will expand on career pathways that represent historical, present, and future policies and practices representing multiple pathway themes. The goals for the project are authenticity, interactivity, equitability, and relevance.

Breakout 10

Exploring Offshore Wind Opportunities in NYC

Presenters: Nse Esema, Vice President, Smart and Sustainable Cities, NYC Economic Development Corp; Soumya Gokuli, Project Manager, Initiatives: Smart and Sustainable Cities, NYC Economic Development Corp; Gavaskar Reid, Industry Engagement Manager, NYC Department of Education

This workshop will provide information about offshore wind opportunities and requirements, as well as resources for educators wishing to incorporate in their classrooms and communicate the opportunity to their students.

Lunch: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

1:20 - 2:20 PM

Panel Discussion: Reimagining the Student Experience in CTE

Moderator: Dantrell Cotton

  • Arway Boker, Senior Project Manager, CUNY Early College Initiative

  • Robyn Bryant, CTE Teacher, Clara Barton High School

  • Louis Garcia, Principal I.A., Queens Technical High School

  • Henna Rahimi, Teacher Candidate, Success Via Apprenticeship (SVA) Program

  • Jonathan Santiago, Executive Director, Division of Specialized Instruction & Student Support

  • Joanna Smith, Founder, Daley Smith STEM

  • Dr. Hoa Tu, Superintendent, Queens North High Schools

CTE Impact on Achievement Conference Closing

2:25 - 2:55 PM

Call to Action

2:55 - 3:00 PM

Closing Remarks & Conference Evaluation

  • Sharon Prince-Yearwood, Senior Director, Career and Technical Education