Community Friends

We have suggestions for you!  Here are links to a other websites we think are of interest, and suggest you check them out!  Some are friends of our Connecticut Celtic Community, while others have come up during our monthly worship or in conversation.

Please let us know if you have additional suggestions for this collection.

An Evening with Lisa Irish: Hope in the Land of Loss

Thursday, March 2, 7pm at the John P. Webster Library, First Congregational Church, 12 South Main Street, West Hartford, CT


First Church West Hartford will welcome Lisa Irish on March 2 at 7pm as she shares stories of hope for those coping with grief. All are welcome.


When her book, Grieving – the Sacred Art: Hope in the Land of Loss was released five years ago, Lisa set out on a path to support people who travel the journey of grief. Today, shaped by multiple opportunities to listen, teach, and create safe spaces for hurting hearts, Lisa invites you to welcome Grief as your ally in the Land of Loss….to trust your inherent guide for healing.


The free program includes conversation, book giveaways, and an opportunity to buy a signed copy. While the topic is grief, the program is really about hope and healing.


To register and for more information, please call the John P. Webster Library at (860) 232-3893.


Lisa is a board-certified chaplain, trained spiritual and retreat director, and associate with the Sisters of Mercy. She was born and raised in California, and now makes Middlefield, CT her home.


With love and humor, Lisa embraces wisdom from many sources including Winnie the Pooh who said, “Never fear the shadows, they simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.” Lisa brings a presence of hope into her various ministries.

HIU is once again planning a pilgrimage to Iona in Scotland in 2025.  Like their August 2022 trip, the 2025 visit is part of the partnership between HIU and John Philip Newell’s School of Earth and Soul.  The pilgrimage is planned for June 7 to 14, 2025.

The first HIU Iona Pilgrimage webinar will be held on February 23, 2023 at 7 pm EST.  Join in and hear from pilgrims who went in 2022 as well as an overview of the basics for the 2025 trip. The webinar should run a little over an hour.

If you are interested, you will need to register for this webinar to receive the Zoom link.  

For anyone who may be interested in going on the 2025 pilgrimage, please use this sign-up form: Signing up does not commit anyone to going or guarantee a spot on the trip; at this time it is simply to share information related to the pilgrimage.

A Celtic initiative of study, spiritual practice and compassionate action inspired by the teachings of

John Philip Newell.