CTA Women's Caucus

January 2018 Newsletter (3).pdf

Past Newsletters


US: Many May Lose Family Planning Benefits

Trump Administration Rules Will Limit Contraception Coverage


Democrats Think Men Have It Easier. Republicans Disagree.

Whether or not people think it’s a good time to be a woman or a man in the United States depends largely on their political party, according to a new survey from the Pew Research Center.

NY Times Pew Center

Put Women in Charge

Op Ed

House Leaders on Women’s Rights Introduce Bill to Protect Access to Birth Control

October 19, 2017

Press Release

27th District

California Teachers Association/NEA Joint Women’s Caucus Membership Form

Please Print

Date________________ New _______ Renewal ________





Region ________

Association – Do not abbreviate: _____________________________________________


Make checks for $35 payable to CTA/NEA Joint Women’s Caucus. ($10 CTA & $25 NEA)

Mail information and check to Pat Ryan, Treasurer at

3913 N. Virginia Avenue, Unit 301,

Long Beach 90807