CTA Members, please join us! Use the form below to share your name and contact information. We promise not to spam your inbox and will send 10 or fewer emails a year (unless you join the leadership team or a task force).

CTA Members, please sign our petition! We are gathering names of CTA members who support having CTA formally encourage CalSTRS to divest our pension fund from fossil fuels quickly and responsibly.

Want to connect with other educators advocating for CalSTRS to divest from fossil fuels? Check out the Facebook group and join in the discussions!

Want to connect directly? Have questions? Have ideas or divestment information to share? Email us at:

This website is designed and maintained by:

Park Guthrie, 6th grade teacher at Salmon Creek Middle School in Occidental, California

(CTA Member and Harmony Union Teachers Association, Treasurer)

Mark Norberg, Middle School Teacher in Burbank, California

(CTA Member; CTA State Delegate; Bay Valley Regional Service Center Steering Committee; Burbank Teachers Association, Executive Board)

Shelly Ehrke, Middle School Teacher in Santa Monica, California

(CTA Member; CTA State Delegate; Santa Monica-Malibu Classroom Teachers Association, Executive Board)