How education property tax bills are calculated

When discussing Ed Funding in Vermont you must be very careful about which terms are used. There is a difference between school districts, towns, district tax rates, town tax rates, statewide averages, the tax bill, homestead tax rate, non-homestead tax rate, income tax rate, the homestead tax bill, the non-homestead tax bill and the statewide averages of most of those. It's the statewide average tax bill (homestead and non-homestead) that was projected to increase so much. And all those have nothing to do with the Municipal Tax rate.

Sample Bill

Here's the information from the VT Department of Taxes about what's on your bill.

The District Homestead Tax Rate

Nearly off the discussion on these pages pertains to the education homestead property tax rate.

Calculating a district's homestead property tax rate is a fairly simple formula:


The Town Tax Rate

The town tax rate is the one you see on your tax bill. Calculating it is also fairly easy.


DTR = District Tax Rate as described above

CLA = Common Level of Appraisal as described here.

TTR = The tax rate on your bill

How much you are billed

Here's the formula:

TB = TTR * HV / $100

Here's the explanation:

TB = Your total education tax bill. That's what you have to pay.

TTR - Town Tax Rate as described above

HV = The value of your home as entered in the town's grand list by the town listers or assessor. It's shown on your tax bill. That value is divided by $100 because the tax rate is the amount you pay for each $100 of your homesite's value.