Assisting your student in filling out an American FFA Degree Application is hard. Period. If it was easy, everyone would do it. - Bonnie Kegler
Important Note on SAEs in the Degree Application
NOT ALL SAEs approved at the chapter level are suitable for the American FFA Degree.
This is a National FFA level award and emphasizes and outstanding SAE, which demonstrates comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise.
Taken from page 7 in the Handbook
With an entrepreneurship SAE program, student's own and manage production agriculture and agribusiness entrepreneurships. Students with entrepreneurship-style SAE programs have personal ownership of the materials and make the decisions required for the entrepreneurship. Ownership programs may be developed on a farm or ranch, agribusiness, home site or by using school or community facilities, provided that the student owns the materials.
At placement-style SAE may involve a student working in agribusinesses, obtaining experiences at school laboratories, research or community facilities or on farms or ranches. Placement may be paid or unpaid experience. Agricience research based SAE's involve planning and conducting a scientific experiment based on a hypothesis and the use of the scientific method of investigation on the hypothesis. This may include qualitative research, quantitative research, experimental research, descriptive research or quasi experimental research.
Entrepreneurship, placement and agriscience research activities can all be reported in the American FFA Degree application.
There is currently an option to check "Foundational (Exploratory)" This is meant for Job Shadows, and is expected to be used in the Freshmen and Sophomore years, while they explore career options.
With the amount of the information a student has typically have entered in AET, it may be in your best interest to "unlock" the application from AET and enter your information manually.
View the instructions page, STEP #12