You really need one. The only web site I can actually find that explains programming languages in an understandable way is W3Schools. I've been searching for a good ActionScript 3.0 tutorial, and I've had no luck. They assume that you know everything that they are talking about. They don't explain any vocabulary. I've become a very good programmer over the year (PHP, C++, C+, C, C#, etc.), and normally learning a new programming language is SIMPLE.Besides, most of the tutorials aren't in correct order, they're just a bunch of random tutorials. For example, W3School's tutorials always have a beginning and an end, most ActionScript 3.0 tutorials I have located do not.Thanks!

I'd say that if you want to learn ActionScript 3.0 you should look into learning real programming in a college or university.ActionScript 3.0 is highly object-oriented. There's more to programming than just learning commands and syntax.

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@ Darkness, that's quite impressive what you wrote down here :)Would you please mind telling me how did you get good at these (I see that you mentioned a time period of a year that took you to learn these) ?I've been doing C# for mostly 5 months (on & off) in that time period.Started fresh from a "Teach yourself in 24 hours" book, until I got to arrays and I didn't understand what this guy was talking about because he assumed the reader has (just like you said) previous knowledge of C# although he states that it's for complete beginners (and nothing of the stuff he assumed the reader would know is covered in the early chapters).From then I got to just googling operations I wanted to comprehend, along with some VTC classes which were very good.Now I am trying to assimilate what I have learned so far and move on but it is quite difficult.Was there a magic C# tutorial site that I missed?Please share it with me

Ofir, I suggest you look at a basic object oriented programming tutorial. If you can find one for C#, that'd be really useful. Otherwise, one in Java would be useful because Java and C# are quite similar in syntax. Lately I have been working on a project using the Flex framework and ActionScript 3. Although it might be difficult to have a full on tutorial on Actionscript 3, I think it'd be useful to at least dedicate a forum for deploying ActionScript based apps. I've had quite a few questions while using Actionscript 3, since its a mix between JS and a traditional OO language like Java, and it'd be helpful to discuss ActionScript 3 with other developers.

I pointed it out because you were directly addressing a person who probably will not read your post. We do have a Flash forum, but it's not going to be much use if we don't have experts who post there.

true, i probably should have looked at his post count before addressing him. Even though there aren't experts yet, I'm sure people will come. Having a forum titled Flash seems kind of pointless, especially since Flash alone seems to be dying. However, I think it may be more useful to broaden the category to include rich internet applications (Flex and Actionscript).

In this tutorial, you will learn how to replace characters in a string using PHP. This functionality is crucial for data manipulation, cleaning inputs, and generating dynamic output in web applications.

This tutorial guides you through creating a basic PHP web form. It explains how to design the form's HTML structure, handle its data on the server side using PHP, and ensure the form's data is processed securely and efficiently.

This tutorial guides you on how to apply Factory Pattern in JavaScript. Discover how to use the benefits of this design pattern for creating dynamic objects, which effortlessly create flexible, scalable, and maintainable code structures.

For people that consider themselves to be any level of programmer skill, I would recommend W3Schools! At W3Schools, there is documentation and interactive tutorials for many widely used programming languages, ranging from C++ to JavaScript. Also there is free web hosting and an interactive course for many of the languages available to learn. As someone who has been programming for almost 3 years now, I highly recommend you try W3Schools to learn almost any lang you can think of!

I first started learning JS properly from CodeAcademy, but eventually I started just searching up basic HTML and made simple pages on GitHub and just experimented or searched MDN docs to figure everything out and make whatever I wanted.

Ruby is a scripting language designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz. It runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial gives a complete understanding on Ruby.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is a comprehensive content management solution for building websites, mobile apps, and forms. This guide contains videos and tutorials on the many features and capabilities of AEM.

In this tutorial, you use the Report Designer tool in Visual Studio / SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). You create a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) paginated report. The report contains a query table, created from data in the AdventureWorks2022 database.

This introductory tutorial does not assume any prior experience of LaTeX but, hopefully, by the time you are finished, you will not only have written your first LaTeX document but also acquired sufficient knowledge and confidence to take the next steps toward LaTeX proficiency.

Various arguments can be proposed for, or against, learning to use LaTeX instead of other document-authoring applications; but, ultimately, it is a personal choice based on preferences, affinities, and documentation requirements.

The first line of code, \documentclass{article}, declares the document type known as its class, which controls the overall appearance of the document. Different types of documents require different classes; i.e., a CV/resume will require a different class than a scientific paper which might use the standard LaTeX article class. Other types of documents you may be working on may require different classes such as book or report. To get some idea of the many LaTeX class types available, visit the relevant page on CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).

Having set the document class, our content, known as the body of the document, is written between the \begin{document} and \end{document} tags. After opening the example above, you can make changes to the text and, when finished, view the resulting typeset PDF by recompiling the document. To do this in Overleaf, simply hit Recompile, as demonstrated in this brief video clip:

Any Overleaf project can be configured to recompile automatically each time it is edited: click the small arrow next to the Recompile button and set Auto Compile to On, as shown in the following screengrab:

where \documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article} defines the overall class (type) of document. Additional parameters, which must be separated by commas, are included in square brackets ([...]) and used to configure this instance of the article class; i.e., settings we wish to use for this particular article-class-based document.

Of course other font sizes, 9pt, 11pt, 12pt, can be used, but if none is specified, the default size is 10pt. As for the paper size, other possible values are a4paper and legalpaper. For further information see the article about page size and margins.

Importing graphics into a LaTeX document needs an add-on package which provides the commands and features required to include external graphics files. The above example loads the graphicx package which, among many other commands, provides \includegraphics{...} to import graphics and \graphicspath{...} to advise LaTeX where the graphics are located.

You can create different types of list using environments, which are used to encapsulate the LaTeX code required to implement a specific typesetting feature. An environment starts with \begin{environment-name} and ends with \end{environment-name} where environment-name might be figure, tabular or one of the list types: itemize for unordered lists or enumerate for ordered lists.

For further information you can open this  larger Overleaf project which demonstrates various types of LaTeX list or visit our dedicated help article on LaTeX lists, which provides many more examples and shows how to create customized lists.

Longer documents, irrespective of authoring software, are usually partitioned into parts, chapters, sections, subsections and so forth. LaTeX also provides document-structuring commands but the available commands, and their implementations (what they do), can depend on the document class being used. By way of example, documents created using the book class can be split into parts, chapters, sections, subsections and so forth but the letter class does not provide (support) any commands to do that.

The names of sectioning commands are mostly self-explanatory; for example, \chapter{First Chapter} creates a new chapter titled First Chapter, \section{Introduction} produces a section titled Introduction, and so forth. Sections can be further divided into \subsection{...} and even \subsubsection{...}. The numbering of sections, subsections etc. is automatic but can be disabled by using the so-called starred version of the appropriate command which has an asterisk (*) at the end, such as \section*{...} and \subsection*{...}.

The tabular environment is the default LaTeX method to create tables. You must specify a parameter to this environment, in this case {c c c} which advises LaTeX that there will be three columns and the text inside each one must be centred. You can also use r to right-align the text and l to left-align it. The alignment symbol & is used to demarcate individual table cells within a table row. To end a table row use the new line command \\. Our table is contained within a center environment to make it centred within the text width of the page. 152ee80cbc

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